Who were the students, teachers killed in the Apalachee High School shooting?

Mason Schermerhorn
Friends of Schermerhorn's family told The New York Times that he was an easygoing teenager who loved to read, tell jokes, play video games and spend time with his family.
"He really enjoyed life," Doug Kilburn, 40, told the publication. "He always had an upbeat attitude about everything."
Louis Briscoe, a co-worker and friend of Schermerhorn's mother, said he called Schermerhorn's mother on Wednesday to ask if everything was OK after he heard about the shooting, and she replied: "Mason's gone."
"My heart just dropped," Briscoe, 45, said. "Nobody should have to go through this type of pain."
A GoFundMe campaign for Schermerhorn's family had already raised more than $73,000 of a $100,000 goal as of Thursday evening.
"He was the sweetest most loving soul with the biggest smile and will be missed dearly. Anything you can give is appreciated," campaign organizer Artisea Bethea wrote.
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