Speak up for your elected officials (in prayer)
It is more than worth our time to bring our concerns, requests, thanks, praise and worship to Him. He cares.
The Christian Post
Skip to main contentIt is more than worth our time to bring our concerns, requests, thanks, praise and worship to Him. He cares.
The border wall isn’t the only Trump-team initiative that Harris has quickly adopted as her own.
A potentially traumatic event may not always lead to a devastating emotional trauma response.
One day God will hold us all accountable for these things, including how we vote on these matters. May God send a true revival, leading to a culture of life.
None of these people are starting with a biblical worldview, which is the only worldview that can sustain human thriving in the long run.
American freedom is about curtailing state power, not expanding it under the guise of progress.
What if we applied the Ten Commandments to social emotional learning, and let those be the driver of our lessons and priorities?
We in the West are certainly not starved for the Word of God. Yet, there are many throughout the world who are.
I helped my parents downsize this year. It took months because they had accumulated many things throughout their marriage. I was deeply convicted. How can I avoid the same problem and teach my children to live differently? Is it biblical to be a “minimalist”?