Olympics' drag queen Last Supper: Why LGBT public displays celebrate perversity
Why are these perversities so regularly celebrated?
The Christian Post
Skip to main contentWhy are these perversities so regularly celebrated?
A 46-year-old devout Christian social worker in the U.K., Felix Ngole, has described an employment tribunal ruling as setting a “dangerous precedent for Christians” by upholding his employer’s decision not to reinstate him after being denied a position over his biblical views on homosexuality.
What exactly is “conversion therapy” or the newer, broader term, “conversion practices”? What do the people using the term mean by it?
A recent poll by the Public Religion Research Institute found that support for same-sex “marriage” dropped by at least two points last year.
This lie, which kept me from telling anyone about my struggle for years, proved to be a total fabrication from the enemy.
I am the boogeyman. Yes, according to the LGBTQ+ activists and their sympathizers, I am the terror that haunts their dreams.
He wasn’t exactly my grandfather, and he didn’t exactly destroy the West. Well, not by himself, anyway. I’ll explain.