Trump needs to tackle State Dept. like DeSantis tackled Disney

Want to know how much Democrats who run State Department frame U.S. foreign policy around their transgender sexual agenda?
Wonder no more.
To start, just take a look at how the Biden-Harris administration called the U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons (an absurd role at State Department that President Obama created out of thin air) to focus specifically on this objective. The woman who has held this manufactured position proudly touts her lesbian credentials and travels across the globe on the dime of hard-earned tax dollars to pressure other Western countries, like Hungary, to embrace her lifestyle choice and transgenderism. (Hungary passed a law that “restricts the depiction of homosexuality and sex reassignment to children in schools.”)
Among the many shindigs this “Special Envoy” has attended and coordinated, one stands out. In June, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greene, and oddly, the U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai, all came together for a "historic" conference in Washington, D.C. titled: "Convening on U.S. Foreign Policy: National Security, Inclusive Development, and the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons". Evidently, also in attendance was none other than Assistant U.S. Secretary of Health Admiral Rachel Levine, a self-identified transgender, who has worked behind the scenes to remove from medical guidance protocol age limits for transgender surgeries on minors.
Americans who object to transgenderism and homosexuality were singled out and vilified at this event, including Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin has made it illegal for advocates to push the homosexual and transgenderism agenda in his country, in stark contrast to America where Democrats celebrate men who dress up as drag queens and shake their private body parts in young children's faces at public libraries.
Another telling moment was earlier this year when President Joe Biden sacrilegiously announced that he had officially designated Easter Sunday as “Transgender Visibility Day” (knowing good and well that sodomy and transgenderism contradict the Word of God). And even though most of us were deeply offended by this, Secretary Blinken chimed in with his support and used his leverage as the top cabinet member to release a statement that urged other countries to follow the United States’ lead.
But this overt act to diss Christians only scratches the surface.
Since early 2021, major internal changes have been made within the State Department with the purpose of imposing the scientific lie that a male can transition to a female, and vice-versa.
One of the most substantial changes to U.S. policy was when Blinken initiated to change U.S. passport forms to include "X" as a gender option. (This then paved the way for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service to announce in April it added "X" gender option to application forms for naturalization.)
So instead of building on the dignified legacy of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe and John Quincy Adams — the list of the first Secretaries of State — Blinken has reversed course and turned the State Department to look and act more like The Walt Disney Company, which has lost its family-friendly brand and markets LGBT messages to children.
Take for instance how State Department diplomats and employees have been banned from saying words that have male or female meaning, much like how The Walt Disney Company also directed its employees to stop saying "Ladies and gentlemen,” and “boys and girls” when greeting visitors.
In the case of Blinken, he issued a directive memo titled “Modeling DEI: Gender Identity Best Practices,” that instructed U.S. diplomats to use so-called gender-neutral language and avoid gendered phrases and words, such as "manpower,” “you guys,” “ladies and gentlemen,” “mother/father,” “son/daughter” and “husband/wife.”
To ensure employee compliance, Blinken also established in the early days of the Biden-Harris administration the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (DEI), which released an internal policy that mandates employees must show documented proof that they are loyal and committed to the woke, anti-Christian ideology in order to be eligible for a promotion or pay increase. Incidentally, it was recently reported that those who oversee DEI receive some of the highest salaries in the State Department, well above the average employee. The U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBT persons is also given a high six-figure paycheck.
All of this is to make the case that the transgender agenda has not been a side issue at the State Department; it is clearly front and center in driving U.S. foreign policy. This needs to change immediately.
Contrary to the wishes of the Biden-Harris administration, America was founded upon Christianity because it is the cornerstone of democracy and the cure to oppression. General Douglas MacArthur understood the link between Christianity, order, decency, and the rule of law. This is why in the aftermath of World War II to rebuild Japan, “[h]e appealed to the worldwide Christian church to send 10,000 missionaries and 10 million Bibles” to deter communism.
America needs the next Secretary of State to be a General MacArthur type who supports the meaning of traditional family and respects Christianity.
In other words, we need this individual to take on the State Department the same way that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took on Disney.
Pastor John K. Amanchukwu Sr. is an influential preacher, author, and activist who spreads God’s truth zealously and without fear. Along with serving his local church in North Carolina, John travels nationally to speak, preach and confront school boards, for which his notoriety has spread coast to coast with 300 million + views on videos of his now famous challenges to woke school board officials. From the battles on the NC State football field to the current-day culture wars, John is a fearless defender of Biblical justice. IKNOWGOD.US.