
Diary of 7-Year-Old Girl Goes Viral: 'I am Done With Boys. I Want to Kill All of Them.'

A 16-year-old's post recently went viral when she uncovered her diary when she was seven years old.

According to KUTV, Madie Cardon found her old diary, which revealed her raw emotions as a seven-year-old. The diary told the story of her broken heart after seeing her crush running in the playground with another girl.

Like Madie, social media users found her diary entries entertaining as it told the story of her young angst. Her post attached photos of her diary entries with the caption, "Found my diary from when I was 7 I'm dying." The post received more than 37, 200 likes and more than 25,000 retweets. The first entry was about Madie finding out that her crush, Riley, was chasing other girls in the playground.

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It read, "Dear Diary, I don't know if I can do this anymore. I think I have depression. Today at scool my crush riley was chasing other girls on the playground! I thout he liked me. And guess who he was chasing! Jessica!"

Madie then spoke about Jessica and her wrath for her. She explained that Jessica was a player because she hugs at least five boys a day. With that, Madie contemplated telling Riley Jessica's secret. She said, "I think I will tell Riley her secret. She wears pullups! After he finds out he won't like her anymore."

In her next entry, she then elaborated on her depression after getting rejected by Riley during Valentine's Day. She said, "My deppresin is getting strong. Today is Valentines Day. I made Riley a valentine. Me and Katelyn stayed up all night makin it. Before Riley got to school I put it in his desk. (number 22). When he got to school he looked in his desk and found my box. I wrote anomious on it, so he didn't now it was from me. Right when he looked at it throw away. I am still cring. I have deppresion."

The last entry was heartbreaking as it gave Madie a sad revelation. The entry read, "Worst day ever. Riley told me he like Jessica. I am done with boys. I want to kill all of them."

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