Christians should accept Kanye — No matter how fashionably late he may be

“Fashionably late, I’m just glad that you made it.” When I heard these lyrics on the new album from Kanye West, it made me laugh with joy. Yes. Fashionably late. I guess that’s what you could call it.
I didn’t download “Jesus Is King” with any trepidation. I have always loved West’s music. One of my all-time favorite songs is “Jesus Walks.” I knew I would like the music. I didn’t expect what I actually heard — the name “Jesus.” Over and over … Jesus. Quoting from the Bible. Openly talking about his need for repentance. I realized that I was listening to some of the most beautiful love songs I had ever heard.
Kanye had truly found the love of Christ and now he was proclaiming it in a very overt and powerful way. I wondered what it would look like if we all loved Jesus like that. What if we all proclaimed that Jesus is King in our daily interactions?
I love all of the songs, honestly. But he has a track called “Hands On” that made me cry. These words took my breath away: “Said I’m fixing to do a gospel album. What have you been hearing from the Christians? They’ll be the first one to judge me. Make it feel like nobody love me.”
Those words have been seemingly prophetic.
Ever since West’s new album dropped, I have seen mixed support. Many Christians are excited. But I have also seen many comments saying that they are going to “wait and see” what happens. What are you waiting on? Are you waiting for him to mess up? He will.
Are you waiting for him to say something that you disagree with? That will assuredly happen. Are you waiting for him to drop a cuss word? I guarantee that will happen. Please explain to me what exactly you are waiting for? Are you waiting for that moment to come so that you can self-righteously look down your Christian nose at everyone and say “See, I told you so.”
I remember the same comments being said about me when I left the abortion industry and became very publicly pro-life. “Well, we will just wait to see if we can trust her.” Have you waited long enough? Has 10 years been long enough for you? Or maybe you wrote me off the first time I said something that you didn’t agree with.
No one is asking Kanye to lead a Bible study or be a spiritual leader, nor has he asked to do those things. He is simply sharing his witness and that’s what we are all called to do. He is simply doing it better than 90 percent of Christians I see online. I have seen story after story of people saying that they are going back to church after listening to West’s new album. Who can say that about you? How many people has your witness led to the Lord?
Christians, stop questioning and start praying. Kanye’s conversion and this new album is an amazing work of God. Stop “waiting and seeing.” Support this man who has laid it all on the line in an attempt to share the Gospel with our flailing culture.
He has no reason to do this. He has no reason to be so publicly counter cultural. You think he won’t be attacked for this? Think again. Unfortunately, many of the attacks are coming from those who should be supporting him: Christians. We should all be praying for his strength as he stands up and fights for God.
My advice to Kanye is simple. Keep standing for truth. Don’t let people tell you that you need to ride out your conversion in private. God has equipped you for this moment. And when you say something that you shouldn’t, know that many of us will keep praying. We won’t write you off because of a misstep.
God has done something extraordinary in your life, continue to share it. When you feel the attacks coming, rest in the Lord for a time — then get back up and keep fighting. We need you. Our kids need this message. Our culture needs you. God’s got you.
“Even if I take this walk alone, I bow down to the King upon the throne. My life is His I’m no longer my own.” Remember those words and keep them close to your heart.
Abby Johnson is founder of And Then There Were None and ProLove Ministries. She's authored two books: Unplanned and The Walls Are Still Talking.
Abby Johnson quit her job in October 2009. That simple act became a national news story because Abby was the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas who, after participating in an actual abortion procedure for the first time, walked down the street to join the Coalition for Life.