14 things you can expect if Biden wins

The Bible tells us, “We see through a glass dimly” (1 Corinthians 13:12) so sharing predictions is not an exact science. We know that past performance can be a fairly reliable predictor of future behavior so with two presidential debates, let’s follow Jesus’ instructions to “Judge with righteous judgment” (Jn. 7:24). Our approach isn’t personal or prejudicial but proceeding from policies and their results.
Today I heard the Democrat party unleashed $40 million in attack ads for the upcoming presidential debate and election. Former President Trump is portrayed as a convicted criminal, felon, and would-be dictator destroying democracy while Joe Biden supports working people, the betterment of this country plus reducing medical costs.
What is the truth? America is in steep decline so we’d better pay close attention. Our very survival is hanging in the balance. This is a fact.
Recently Democrats held a glitzy fundraiser in LA with Barack Obama and celebrity A-listers like George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Jimmy Kimmel. They raised a record $30 million to run such campaign ads across America.
People ask why Hollywood celebrities overwhelmingly support Democrats and their progressive policies when the country is suffering horribly trying to bring about the “fundamental transformation of America” that Obama pledged.
The answer is simple.
They’re not really affected by the policies!
Rising grocery prices don’t impact them; gas prices don’t affect them; they’re not hurt by crime as they live in gated communities with security systems and bodyguards.
They live insulated lives in Hollywood’s bubble and associate with those in an “echo chamber” where few identify with Christianity, attend church, or embrace biblical principles that are deemed “restrictive and unbelievably outdated.”
What lies ahead for us regular folks? Let’s objectively start with what to expect if Biden is re-elected.
Fourteen things we can expect
- Weak support for Israel with the continuing push for the failed “two-state solution”. Biden and Secretary of State Blinken seemingly put Hamas and Israel on an equal platform despite one being a terrorist group and the other being our partner for 75 years.
- Open border for illegal immigrants (with taxpayer-funded medical care, food, transportation, residence, and education) toward the goal of “amnesty for all” and “chain migration” for more immigrants.
- Increased social disorder due to legal leniency by appointing leftist judges and prosecutors, removing bail, reducing sentences, minimizing prosecutions, and emphasizing the “victimhood” of lawbreakers.
- Push for “equity” (favoritism based on skin color for admissions, scholarships, promotions and salaries) in institutions, schools, and the military.
- Promotion of the LGBT agenda and “trans movement” with government sponsored “affirmative gender care” (surgical mutilation of children and teens) and transgender policies in schools, girls' sports, and locker rooms.
- Taxpayer-funded abortion until the moment of birth (and beyond).
- Higher taxes.
- Increased federal debt from an unsustainable $34 trillion.
- Destabilizing the traditional nuclear family.
- Increased fentanyl and drug-related deaths, which was about 108,000 in 2022 due to open border.
- Increased threat of a terrorist attack due to the US's porous border, sleeper cells, perceived weak US leadership, and declining enlistments in the Armed Forces.
- Judicial appointments of leftist judges and George Soros-funded prosecutors who silence political opponents.
- The real possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment (if a president’s physical and mental deterioration hinders duties, he will be replaced with the vice president) and inaugurating Kamala Harris.
Here’s the deal: Watch the debate this Thursday evening and pray God will guide us with the right person for the most consequential election in America’s history. And let me state emphatically my faith is not in any political candidate to “turn things around” for America. Even with reservations and questions, we’ve got two choices while our priority is proclaiming the Gospel and truth to preserve the republic of our God-inspired Founding Fathers.
Larry Tomczak author of 10 books, is a cultural commentator of 50 yrs, Intercessors for America board member, best-selling author and a public policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. His new, innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see www.bullseyechallenge.com). and he has a variety of resources on his website (see www.larrytomczak.com). You can also hear his weekly podcast here.