Evangelicals for Harris, Evangelicals for Satan

The Evangelicals for Harris campaign is a contradiction in terms. “Evangelicals for Harris” is as absurd as Jews for Pharaoh, Christians for Emperor Nero, or Evangelicals for Satan.
There is no such thing as “Evangelicals for Harris.” If you’re voting for Kamala Harris, you are not an Evangelical. Everyone knows this, including Evangelicals for Harris.
Earlier this week Evangelicals for Harris held a Zoom meeting hosted by Ekemini Uwan, an anti-white and pro-abortion “public theologian” who has said:
“I don’t classify as an Evangelical because it’s tightly bound to whiteness.”
“When I see ‘Evangelical’ I know they are not talking about me or my kinsmen.”
“I’ve never considered myself an Evangelical.”
So why would a person who doesn’t consider herself an Evangelical, host a meeting for a campaign called Evangelicals for Harris?
As Megan Basham says in her bestselling book, Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda, leftists know the best way to lure Evangelical voters away from conservatism is to fund Evangelical leaders who will frame leftist policies as biblical precepts.
In the book, Basham writes:
“[in 2012, a left-wing cause named Atlantic Philanthropies] issued a report on its failing efforts to break down opposition to gay marriage in Ireland … the report highlighted the resistance of Ireland’s devout Catholics and Protestants. ‘Organized religion is at the heart of the LGBTI oppression and needs to be deconstructed,’ the authors wrote. But they quickly identified the roadblock they would face in achieving the aim: ‘How can one deconstruct an institution that provides hope and comfort to millions of desperate people?’ Rather than go on opposing churches, the gay lobby would need to co-opt them. “An engagement needs to come from groups within the churches,” the report advised. “LGBTI organizations need to appropriate Christian values for a progressive rights agenda.”
This is why Evangelicals for Harris exists. This is why they are encouraging people who hate Evangelicalism to pose as Evangelicals. They know the best way to deceive Evangelicals is to present ungodly people as one of our own.
And frankly, one of the reasons why they’re confident that this is an effective strategy is because it’s worked with Donald Trump.
Just as some shepherds are for sale for a leftist agenda, many others have sold their souls for Donald Trump.
If I were an American citizen, I would vote for Donald Trump. But too many of us have become unequally yoked with him. Rather than partnering with him for righteousness’s sake, too many Evangelicals have partnered with him for lawlessness’s sake. Therefore some Evangelicals refuse to rebuke him for his recent position on abortion. This position has conditioned Republicans to become lukewarm on abortion for this election, which could lead to disaster for the abortion amendments in eight states in November.
So we Evangelicals cannot criticize the Evangelicals for Harris campaign while overlooking Trump’s evil. Voting for the lesser evil in Trump can be a righteous act, but it’s unrighteous to ignore the evil, even if it’s lesser than Kamala Harris’ greater evil.
Donald Trump’s position on abortion is deplorable and Kamala Harris’ position is demonic. Despite his great track record on abortion when he was president, Trump isn’t campaigning against abortion. Kamala Harris, however, is campaigning for abortion.
Essentially, between the two candidates, one wants to maintain the current abortion laws in America and the other wants to make it even worse. However, on the Evangelical For Harris website, Kamala Harris positions herself as a Christian.
She says:
“I can trace my belief in the importance of public service back to learning the parable of the good Samaritan and other biblical teachings about looking out for our neighbors — and understanding that our neighbors aren’t just those who live in our ZIP code, but include the stranger, too. Over the course of my career, I’ve always tried to be an advocate for the voiceless and vulnerable…”
She’s right that our neighbors aren’t just those who live in our ZIP code. What she refuses to acknowledge is that her neighbors include people who do not yet have a ZIP code. Her neighbors include people who live in their mother’s womb and the people who attempt to be their good Samaritans.
But she’s committed to injustice for both of these neighbors. She supports abortion up to birth and as the attorney general of California, she charged pro-life activists with 15 felonies after they exposed Planned Parenthood for selling the body parts of aborted babies.
Just as Satan masquerades as an angel of light, Kamala Harris is an anti-Christ politician masquerading as a Christian.
So Evangelicals shouldn’t vote for her. The word “evangelic” means “good news.” But if Kamala Harris wins the election, it will be bad news for America.
The Bible says we Evangelicals should have a life that is worthy of the good news (Philippians 1:27). That includes a vote that is worthy of the good news. Meaning, we cannot vote for Kamala Harris.
Therefore, if you vote for Kamala Harris, you are not an Evangelical.
Originally published at Slow to Write.
Samuel Sey is a Ghanaian-Canadian who lives in Brampton, a city just outside of Toronto. He is committed to addressing racial, cultural, and political issues with biblical theology, and always attempts to be quick to listen and slow to speak.