Rev. Mark H. Creech

Rev. Mark H. Creech

Christian Post Columnist


  • Islam and Democracy

    Islam and Democracy

    It's clear that the Obamas want to affirm Islam in the plurality of religions that make up the tapestry of American democracy. But has Islam itself contributed to the establishment of democracy in America and the world?

  • North Carolina AG's Surrender on Marriage Nothing to Applaud

    North Carolina AG's Surrender on Marriage Nothing to Applaud

    In a recent editorial, the Raleigh News and Observer said that state attorney general Roy Cooper "made a sensible decision" to stop fighting several federal lawsuits that seek to overturn North Carolina's Marriage Protection Amendment. How tragic that our country has been so poisoned by progressive sentiment that a major media outlet in the Tar Heel state would applaud such a serious form of lawlessness.

  • Minimum Legal Drinking Age Makes Johnny a Little Safer

    Minimum Legal Drinking Age Makes Johnny a Little Safer

    What actually works is a form of prohibition. Don't misunderstand me; I'm not calling for a return to the kind of prohibition before 1933 in the United States. Nevertheless, it goes without saying that all forms of restrictive alcohol measures in state and federal law are an acknowledgement that alcohol is not an ordinary commodity. It poses a significant risk to the public's health and prohibitive determinations are necessary. This is especially true for those in their formative years.

  • A Proposal for Resolving Government Gridlock

    A Proposal for Resolving Government Gridlock

    The standoff has been somewhat surreal. At one point, Senate members walked out on the negotiations. When some lawmakers commented that it might take until Christmas to work out their differences, staffers hung Christmas wreaths and strung up holiday lights in between meetings.

  • On Fourth of July: 3 Reasons to Stay Positive About America

    On Fourth of July: 3 Reasons to Stay Positive About America

    Indeed, we have every reason to celebrate with fervor and frivolity. And, we should. It's our patriotic duty. Despite all of our afflictions, people still run to this country and not from it. Observing what's right about America can be a good step toward righting what's wrong.

  • Same Sex Marriage: Big Government Power Grab

    Same Sex Marriage: Big Government Power Grab

    Regarding the 10th Circuit ruling, dissenting Judge Paul J. Kelly Jr. brought out an aspect to the legalization of same-sex marriage rarely mentioned. He said, "If the States are the laboratories of democracy, requiring every state to recognize same-gender unions – contrary to the views of its electorate and representatives – [it] turns the notion of a limited national government on its head."

  • To Christians: Does Your Love Just Look Good on Paper?

    To Christians: Does Your Love Just Look Good on Paper?

    I'm afraid too many Christians just look good on paper. We've failed to realize that no matter how else we may bear out our testimony for Christ, the absence of love nullifies it all. Love is greater than anything we can say, or anything we possess, or anything we might give away.

  • Parenting Pains: What to Think When a Child Turns Out Bad

    Parenting Pains: What to Think When a Child Turns Out Bad

    When I served as a pastor, I was privy to the incredible anguish of parents who lost a child in death. They tell me that there is no grief that's comparable. Although I have been spared of such sorrow, I do believe there is one that's near equal to it – the agony of raising a child right that turns out bad.

  • When Is Anger Right?

    When Is Anger Right?

    There is no greater indictment to a lack of love than indifference. Christians who treat the current degeneracy and depravity of our culture, the evil corruption in high places, the diminishing of religious liberties, in a tepid fashion, need a fire for God stocked in their souls.

  • America's Christian Roots and Its Impact on the Economy

    America's Christian Roots and Its Impact on the Economy

    Few people ever question why Western Civilization has experienced so much abundance in comparison to poorer nations around the world. The reason is inextricably connected to Christianity. The Bible says, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Prov. 23:7). What individuals believe, what nations believe has everything to do with their essence and determines whether they grow, multiply, and succeed.