
Why fasting matters: Ronnie Floyd highlights the power of forgotten discipline

Ronnie Floyd, former president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee.
Ronnie Floyd, former president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee. | Marc Ira Hooks

In an era where spiritual exercises are increasingly overlooked, Pastor Ronnie Floyd is urging Christians to rediscover the transformative power of fasting — and how to overcome both the physical and spiritual challenges that inevitably come with the practice. 

Floyd, former lead pastor of Cross Church in Northwest Arkansas and the 61st president of the Southern Baptist Convention, recently released his latest book, The Supernatural Power of Prayer and Fasting. He offers a biblical and practical guide to a practice he believes is critical for addressing both personal and communal challenges.

"Fasting makes you much more sensitive to the Holy Spirit the longer you go," Floyd told The Christian Post. "Do I understand all that? Absolutely not. I think it's a mystery. I think that's where the supernatural power of God steps in and begins to speak to you in a way that most often is not done."

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Though rarely highlighted from the pulpit, Floyd noted that the Bible references fasting 57 times, with 69 mentions of the practice. "The very word means, 'shut mouth, not eat,'" he explained.

"I believe that fasting is abstinence from food with a spiritual goal in mind. When God places something on your heart, whether it is a burden, whether it is a decision, whether it is a real problem going on right at your job or your family or finances, or whatever it may be, there may be three or four things God has on your heart, and He may choose to use fasting to call you into addressing those things."

Fasting, the pastor stressed, is an oft-overlooked spiritual discipline that has profound relevance today. He challenged churches and pastors to embrace fasting as a response to societal and spiritual crises.

"In this day and time, I'm convinced, personally, that one of the greatest ways the Church can answer this moment in American history is to pray and to fast and to be the salt and light," he said. 


"We know we should pray for our country, but we also … need to fast in our country. I would urge every church, every pastor, every church leader to consider your involvement personally, but also your involvement, collectively as the Church of Jesus Christ."

The 69-year-old has seen the power of fasting firsthand. His commitment to fasting began during his college years and deepened as he faced significant life challenges, including his wife Jeana's battle with cancer in 1990. 

"We had two little boys, and Jeana was diagnosed with cancer, and the initial reports of that were really, really difficult for us to understand and very challenging into what may be lying ahead," he recalled. 

"God put on my heart to pray and fast the very week she was diagnosed, for my wife and for her healing. … I would carry an index card with me, and I would write that Scripture on an index card, and that's what I would look at every time I was very frightful, every time I was pursuing God. I would just go to my knees, and I would ask God to heal my wife. Through God's grace, through God's favor, He chose by His sovereign and providential will, to heal Jeana."

A turning point in Floyd's ministry came in 1995 when he undertook a 40-day fast for personal revival, revival in his church and revival in America. The experience, he said, profoundly changed him and his congregation.

"That day, God moved so profoundly that the church got a new pastor, and the pastor got a new church, and neither one of us changed our geographical location because God can do more in a moment than we can ever do in a lifetime," Floyd said.

Floyd said fasting can seem intimidating or even strange to those unfamiliar with it — "people think you're a little weird when you do it," he said.

However, he distinguished between cultural trends like intermittent fasting and spiritual fasting.

"Our goal is not to lose weight on a spiritual fast," he stressed. "Your goal is to pursue God in Heaven. … Someone who is walking with Christ could even use intermittent fasting … but make it a spiritual journey for yourself by looking at it in relationship to self-control."

He also emphasized the practicalities of fasting, encouraging people to start small and seek medical advice for extended fasts. His book includes 40 devotionals and five appendices designed to guide readers through their fasting journey.

Beyond personal transformation, Floyd emphasized that fasting can unify and strengthen communities, particularly in times of crisis.

"When we face natural disasters or tragedies, we can call a fast for a day, join together in agreement, and pray over these things as we fast."

In his book, the pastor describes fasting as both a spiritual and physical battle. He uses Ezra as a biblical example of prayer and fasting.

In Ezra 8:21–23, Ezra exemplified fasting and praying as a powerful spiritual response to dire circumstances, demonstrating humility, dependence on God and faith in His guidance and protection. 

"The enemy is doing everything he can to keep this powerful weapon hidden," he said. "You're going to literally be battling with evil in your life over those issues. Let's say that somebody fasts and prays to save their marriage or fasts and prays because they have a child away from God, and they really need God's intervention. Some things are so heavy out here that people carry. … But listen, God is with you if you're pursuing this in a biblical way."

With The Supernatural Power of Prayer and Fasting, Floyd said he hopes to inspire Christians to embrace fasting as a vital spiritual discipline. 

"Fasting in prayer doesn't mean that God always is going to answer your prayer in the way that you want that answered," he said. 

"Fasting and prayer put a peaceful resolve in your heart. Fasting and prayer transform your heart so that you trust in God's sovereign and providential will for your life; 'I'm good with whatever God does that I'm fasting and praying about.' That's where the peace is, and that's what fasting and prayer can do."

Leah M. Klett is a reporter for The Christian Post. She can be reached at:

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