5 ‘woke’ companies that have Christian origins
Alaska Airlines

Alaska Airlines is one of the hundreds of companies that have expressed support for the controversial proposed legislation known as the Equality Act, which would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of federally-protected classes.
Last year, the airline was sued by two former employees who claim they were fired for expressing religious objections to the Equality Act on an employee message board.
So, it might be a shock to learn that Alaska Airlines used to have a policy of handing out prayer cards to passengers that included quotes from the Old Testament book of Psalms.
For more than 30 years, the airline would pass out the prayer cards with their meals, as a way to encourage passengers to say grace over their food. The practice was discontinued in 2012.
From 1979 to 1991, the airline’s CEO was Bruce Kennedy, a devout Christian who eventually stepped down from his role in the company to pursue missionary work. He remained on the board of directors until his death in a plane crash in 2007.