Amanda Winkler
Gingrich Featured on Ad Promoting Adultery
Considering its finances, the Newt Gingrich campaign would normally like free press and an endorsement. However, this is one billboard the Former Speaker of the House probably doesn’t want his face on: an advertisement promoting infidelity.
Gingrich and Gay Marriage: Strong Opposition, But Religious Grounds Unclear
GOP candidate Newt Gingrich again made it clear this week that a gay’s right to marry a same-sex partner is not his issue, but it is still unclear whether the former House Speaker is defending marriage on the grounds of religious freedom.
White House Boosts Support for Women in Peace Politics
President Obama announced on Monday that he plans to sign an executive order rendering the country’s “first-ever national action plan on women, peace, and security.” The order serves to act as a way to include the perspectives of women in world and diplomatic strategies, he said in a statement.
Youth Gravitate Toward Ron Paul
Despite portrayals of Ron Paul as “Crazy Old Uncle Ron” and “old and feeble,” a new Gallup poll suggests that the Texas Congressman connects best with voters who could very well be his grandchildren.
Capitol Christmas Tree Praises Obama
The official 2011 Capitol Christmas Tree that stands 63 feet tall includes no visible ornament signifying the Christian holiday or Jesus Christ. Instead, what can be seen is an ornament praising President Obama.
Reps Banned From Saying 'Merry Christmas' in Official Letters
Members of the House of Representatives have been told they are not allowed to wish their constituents “Merry Christmas” or “Happy New Year” via the mail.
Romney: I Am the Ideal Candidate
With little more than two weeks until the coveted Iowa causes, Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is trying to garner last-minute support from the Tea Party. The topsy-turvy GOP presidential race has left few things constant these past few months. But one thing that has remained the same is Romney’s lack of support from Tea Party members.
Ron Paul on Bachmann: She Hates Muslims
Texas Congressman Ron Paul went on the attack against his GOP presidential rival, Michele Bachmann, claiming that the congresswoman has a bad case of “Islamophobia.”
Federal Judge Finds Iran Also Responsible for 9/11
A U.S. District Court judge declared on Thursday that he plans to issue a ruling in the near future stating that Iran is partially responsible for the attacks on Sept. 11.
Christians, Muslims, Jews to Boycott Lowe's Over 'Bigotry'
Christians, Muslims, and Jews alike are speaking out against Lowe’s Hardware Store’s decision to pull advertisement from the TLC television show “All American Muslim.” On Saturday, demonstrations in front of various Lowe’s locations across the country will seek to raise awareness against the perceived bigotry behind the chain’s decision.