Chuck Bentley

Chuck Bentley

CP Guest Contributor

Chuck Bentley is CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, a global Christian ministry, founded by the late Larry Burkett. He is the host of a daily radio broadcast, My MoneyLife, featured on more than 1,000 Christian Music and Talk stations in the U.S., and author of his most recent book, Seven Gray Swans: Trends that Threaten Our Financial Future. Be sure to follow Crown on Facebook.


  • Ask Chuck: Should I buy a house?

    Ask Chuck: Should I buy a house?

    It is a good time to buy a home, but only if you are ready. Let’s look at the trends first then some pros and cons of buying now.

  • Ask Chuck: Should I buy gold?

    Ask Chuck: Should I buy gold?

    Many investors today are hoarding precious metals, especially gold, as economic crisis insurance. Caution and preparation are wise, but no one can prepare for every possible calamity.

  • Ask Chuck: Second stimulus check?

    Ask Chuck: Second stimulus check?

    Stimulus money is an unexpected windfall. It was never in your budget to begin with, so it offers lots of good options for improving your finances, if used wisely.

  • Ask Chuck: Preparing for a cashless society?

    Ask Chuck: Preparing for a cashless society?

    I’m hearing more and more about a “cashless society.” What can we as believers do to prepare for such a possibility and how should we navigate the days ahead?

  • Ask Chuck: Is my 401(k) at risk?

    Ask Chuck: Is my 401(k) at risk?

    Millions of people are facing a similar challenge. I will offer some explanation of the 401(k) program and some advice.

  • Ask Chuck: Choosing a good bank

    Ask Chuck: Choosing a good bank

    Marriage is about becoming one. One in everything: name, address, bed, and money.

  • Ask Chuck: A year of 'unexpected'

    Ask Chuck: A year of 'unexpected'

    Dear Chuck,2020 has been a year of ”unexpecteds.” My wife is pregnant and we are growing concerned about raising a ...

  • Black finances matter

    Black finances matter

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. appealed on behalf of poor people for economic justice as a central tenant of his platform.

  • Ask Chuck: Planning a budget-friendly wedding

    Ask Chuck: Planning a budget-friendly wedding

    I’m a firm believer in planning for a marriage, not just a wedding. Far too many people invest tens of thousands of dollars in weddings with very little thought of future financial stewardship.

  • Ask Chuck: Preparing for another pandemic?

    Ask Chuck: Preparing for another pandemic?

    Do you remember the story of the humble man who surprised his community by dying with millions of dollars?