Craig Gross

CP Op-Ed Contributor


  • How to Serve Your Spouse and Serve Yourself at the Same Time

    How to Serve Your Spouse and Serve Yourself at the Same Time

    If you've ever been around me for 30 consecutive seconds, you know that I'm a pretty competitive guy. I don't know where it comes from — it's just part of my personality, I guess. It's how I was able to launch an international ministry.

  • Marriage Is for the Courageous

    Marriage Is for the Courageous

    I once spoke at a marriage conference … where I heard an interesting fact about the relationship between happiness in a marriage and the amount of times the husband and wife in that couple were engaging in sexual activity. In other words, the more frequently husbands and wives have sex with each other, the happier they tend to be with their marriage …

  • This Testimony From a Former Porn Star Is Unlike Anything We've Ever Heard

    This Testimony From a Former Porn Star Is Unlike Anything We've Ever Heard

    One of our focuses here at XXXchurch has always been on those who are in the porn industry. We meet so many of them during outreaches and we've long known that they're regular people, just like you and me: they have dreams for life, they have bills to pay, they have parents and family and (occasionally) children.

  • Josh Duggar's Infidelity Didn't Surprise Me, but This Would Shock Me

    Josh Duggar's Infidelity Didn't Surprise Me, but This Would Shock Me

    I'm not surprised that Josh Duggar had an Ashley Madison account. I'm also not surprised that his admission of that only came after it was exposed online, and that it included a plea for prayer for his wife and family.