Dan Britton

Dan Britton

Voices Contributor


  • Isolation is a silent enemy. Here's what I mean.

    Isolation is a silent enemy. Here's what I mean.

    Don’t think you can live for Christ without being connected. The Christian life is intended to be lived as a team sport. Get an all-access friend or two. Two are better than one.

  • Never say these 2 words

    Never say these 2 words

    Guard your heart and escape from the busyness of life. Live and lead from quietness. Plan time for rest so you get nourished from the inside out. Solitude is the cure for busyness; it will bring health and create space for Jesus to fill.

  • Evangelism criticism response: What's your way?

    Evangelism criticism response: What's your way?

    Let’s be committed to sharing the Gospel in season and out of season. We all need to find our way and proclaim the Gospel at all times. So … what’s your way?

  • The 2 most powerful words

    The 2 most powerful words

    When we pray “Yes, Lord!” we acknowledge God is in charge and we are not. We give up control and place all our trust in Him.

  • He predicted the door would close in Ukraine

    He predicted the door would close in Ukraine

    As it turns out, Andriy was right. The door is closing. However, God used 13 years of powerful ministry to reach thousands of coaches and athletes in Ukraine and lay a strong foundation.

  • Consistency is the name of the game

    Consistency is the name of the game

    Let’s give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord because we know our labor is not in vain. Remember: fruit always comes from a consistent life, even when we can’t yet see it.

  • Can 1 word change your life?

    Can 1 word change your life?

    I’m believing this next year will be great. I believe it could be defined by words like revival, breakthrough, anointing, healing and unity. I’m believing the best and trusting God to work in amazing ways.

  • VRP or VDP: Which one are you?

    VRP or VDP: Which one are you?

    VRPs are more difficult to find, but every once in a while, you can spot one. They bring healing and relief. When VRPs are around, you feel like a million bucks.

  • God squad, lacrosse and what we are known for

    God squad, lacrosse and what we are known for

    When we focus on what we are against, we immediately put ourselves on the other side of the table from others who think differently. However, when we focus on what we are for, we can better walk in unity and harmony.

  • Warning: Your strength can become your weakness

    Warning: Your strength can become your weakness

    But how many of us would admit that we can also turn strengths into weaknesses? Most of us don’t even think this is possible. But beware, strong one. If you’re not careful, your strengths can quickly become weaknesses without warning.