E. Calvin Beisner
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Did Manmade Climate Change Cause Syria's Civil War and the Rise of ISIS?
Did manmade global warming cause the Syrian civil war and the rise of ISIS?
Oppressing the Poor In the Name of Fighting Global Warming
"No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change." So said President Barack Obama in his State of the Union message last week.
Global Warming: Powerful New Evidence Surfaces That Contradicts Manmade Claims
On the heels of the Vatican's announcement that the Pope intends to urge support for an international agreement to fight global warming by reducing human emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil-fuel energy use, a new peer-reviewed scientific paper reveals powerful evidence that CO2 emissions contribute far less to global warming than widely thought.
The Great Climate Change Bamboozle Industry
After sniping at religion, bemoaning the decline in public fears of global warming but lacking the curiosity to ask whether there might be good reasons, and repeating the myth that polar bears are endangered.
Obama's 'Climate Education and Literacy Initiative': How Do You Spell I-N-D-O-C-T-R-I-N-A-T-I-O-N?
With Obamacare obviously failing to provide promised affordable health care and falling apart in the face of legal challenges and states' refusal to participate, it's becoming increasingly clear that President Obama has decided to make ending "climate change" his legacy.
Christian Decision Making on Creation Care and Climate Change
Let's look a little more closely at global warming. Mr. de Vries begins by reference to our "uses of hydro-carbon fuels, believed to be the main human contributor to global warming," and adds, "Global warming is alarming—even if only 1.5˚ F in 200 years."
Is Fighting Climate Change a Pro-Life Cause?
Some evangelical climate alarmists are trying to persuade Florida Governor Rick Scott that global warming is a pro-life issue. He should not be fooled.
Protecting the Poor from Climate Change: Which Voices Count?
Climate change: The greatest challenge facing humanity? A manageable problem? Just par for the course on a planet whose climate has always changed?
Punish Your Enemy, Crush the Poor? EPA's New CO2 Rule Turns Christian Ethics Upside Down
Jesus taught that we're to love our enemies and look after the poor. But a new rule from the Obama Administration seems to fly in the face of both mandates.
This Truth Can Set Climate Change Activists Free
A few days ago I had an email exchange with the head of a leading evangelical environmental organization who was—as he has been for years—incredulous that I would question the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).