Frank Turek
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Obama Hijacks Christianity to Defend Islam
President Obama has hijacked Christianity in an attempt to defend Islam. At the National Prayer breakfast Thursday, he said, "There is a tendency in us, a sinful tendency, that can pervert and distort our faith." And that there will always be people willing to "hijack religion for their own murderous ends."
Atheists Such as Richard Dawkins Steal Rights From God
Atheists like Richard Dawkins are often ardent supporters of rights to abortion, same-sex marriage, taxpayer-provided healthcare, welfare, contraceptives, and several other entitlements. But who says those are rights?
Why Evil Disproves Atheism
As Islamists continue to kill innocents, they provide more fuel for the oft-made atheist claim that religion is evil.
Same Sex Marriage Decisions: The Constitution Protects Gays But Not Blacks and Women
Last week, one unelected judge, overturned the will of 1,317,178 North Carolinians when he declared North Carolina's definition of marriage in violation of the United States constitution.
Book Review: David Limbaugh's 'Jesus on Trial' Is a Winning Verdict
When David Limbaugh let his friend Steve know that he had doubts about Christianity, he was surprised by Steve's response. Instead of a blast of arrogant judgmentalism, Steve responded like a Christian should—with grace and evidence. What has happened since that time is told in Limbaugh's excellent new book, Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Affirms the Truth of the Gospel.
The Jewish Temple That May Prevent World War III
Israel is the most contested piece of real estate in the world. And the most contested piece of real estate within Israel is the temple mount in the old city of Jerusalem. Nearly every Jew believes that the Muslim Dome of the Rock, which dominates that thirty-six acre site, sits on the spot of all previous Jewish Temples, including the last one destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. Many Jews and Christians believe that the temple must be and will be rebuilt on that spot. Therein lies the problem.
Same Sex Marriage: Stealing Heresy From God
Anyone who opposes same-sex marriage is wrong, says the "gay mafia"-the term the liberal TV personality Bill Maher gave to homosexual activists who "whack" dissenters. According to them, same sex marriage is now not only a "right," no one has the right to oppose it. This new right is so powerful it has completely wiped out the old rights that our founding fathers enshrined in our Constitution: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of association.
Natural Marriage is Not Bigotry, It's Biology
What reasons, other than religious reasons, might someone want to keep marriage defined as only the union of one man and one woman? There are actually thousands of reasons. They are born each day. Marriage must be protected to protect children.
Same Sex Marriage: Stealing Rights From God
Is same-sex marriage really a "right"? If so, by what standard is it a right? Who said and by what authority?
What Was the Crucifixion Like?
What was the extent of the physical suffering Jesus endured at the crucifixion? Consider that the English word "excruciating" is from the Latin meaning "out of the crucifixion." I've found that the best way to comprehend the magnitude of the Christ's physical suffering on Good Friday is to read the following description that we've adapted from the work of medical doctor, C. Truman Davis.