G. Shane Morris

CP Guest Contributor


  • Why abortion is the priority for the political Left

    Why abortion is the priority for the political Left

    Of course, this reveals as much about the rest of the progressive agenda as it does about “reproductive rights.” Immigration and the southern border? Ukraine and Israel? Housing prices? Inflation? LGBTQ issues? The mental health crisis? These pressing issues are political liabilities for the president right now, so all the attention is on abortion.  

  • Why does The Washington Post hate homeschooling?

    Why does The Washington Post hate homeschooling?

    If the press wants to keep giving home schooling the nuclear power treatment, they should also develop some curiosity about why so many parents are choosing, often at great sacrifice, to take their children’s education back into their own hands.

  • Darwinizing the universe: A theory that explains everything explains nothing

    Darwinizing the universe: A theory that explains everything explains nothing

    Scientists trying to turn evolution into a theory of everything might expect nature to answer, “I am who I am.” But there’s only One who can truly say that. Why not give Him credit for a change? 

  • America’s confusing relationship with children

    America’s confusing relationship with children

    We are witnessing the domination of a life-script in which children feel superfluous.

  • The rise of AI girlfriends

    The rise of AI girlfriends

    Our human relationships don’t need replacing. They need redemption.  

  • A generation poisoned by porn speaks

    A generation poisoned by porn speaks

    In what might be the most haunting line of the article, one teenager simply scoffed at that assumption: “If you put a phone in a child’s hand, you are putting porn in a child’s hand.” 

  • Surprise? Marriage single best predictor of long-term happiness

    Surprise? Marriage single best predictor of long-term happiness

    The truth about marriage, however, is that it is, statistically, the single best predictor of long-term happiness.

  • What’s behind America’s ‘great dechurching’?

    What’s behind America’s ‘great dechurching’?

    Those who are happy or indifferent about the decline of American churches are beginning to get glimpses of what an America without Christian influence will look like. It can and will get worse.

  • Canada’s suicidal slide

    Canada’s suicidal slide

    The criteria are vague enough. Since the law went into effect, however, the number of Canadians killed annually has gone from 1,000 to over 10,000. In 2021, one in 30 Canadian deaths was by assisted suicide, and only 4% of those who applied to die were turned down.  

  • Is math racist?

    Is math racist?

    Even amid plummeting math scores in the latest Nation’s Report Card data, a growing chorus of progressive voices insists that racism and sexism are the biggest problems we face in how to teach math.