Greg Stier
Op-ed Contributor
Greg Stier is the Founder and President of Dare 2 Share Ministries International. He has impacted the lives of tens of thousands of Christian teenagers through Dare 2 Share events, motivating and mobilizing them to reach their generation for Christ. He is the author of eleven books and numerous resources, including Dare 2 Share: A Field Guide for Sharing Your Faith. For more information on Dare 2 Share and their upcoming conference tour and training resources, please visit www.dare2share.org.
How to move from doing events to triggering movements
Events are part of youth ministry. Your Wednesday night or Sunday night (or whenever weekly meeting) is an event. The retreats you do, camps you coordinate and conferences/concerts you take your teenagers to are events.
3 signs the next great awakening has begun
Mobilization is more than just inspiration and equipping. It’s also unleashing believers to do it. And this brand of mobilizing is happening at unprecedented rates.
My 2020 vision for the Church
I have a vision for the church in 2020, actually for the entire decade. A growing number of believers (including me) are nicknaming the next ten years, "The Roaring Twenties."
The coronavirus and evangelism
The coronavirus is a hot topic among teenagers. Many are afraid. "Could this be the big one?"
Hellfire, brimstone and youth ministry
I'll never forget when a teenage girl came up to me after a Dare 2 Share conference and asked me two hard questions:
10 reasons you shouldn't quit youth ministry
I've seen a pattern. Most youth leaders are underpaid and overworked. The amount of emotional, physical and spiritual energy it takes to keep up with teenagers, let alone disciple them, would leave most lead pastors breathless and frustrated.
Stop the insanity in youth ministry by asking the question 'What if?'
Have you ever had that nagging feeling down deep inside that something is wrong with youth ministry, that something big is missing in our strategies and philosophies?
No more confrontational evangelism please
Instead of just screaming "repent" and reminding his audience of pagan philosophers that they were on a highway to hell, Paul found common ground and used it to introduce them to the Gospel story.
The 3 things every Christian teen needs
It all boils down to this ... Every Christian teen needs a King, a cause and a crew!
How to turn teenagers into teen leaders (just like Jesus did!)
How did Jesus take 12 ordinary young men and turn them into 11 extraordinary leaders (remember Judas flamed out)? Here's how he did it ... and how you can, through the power of the Holy Spirit, do it too: