Jenna Lyle
Christian Today Reporter
Church Leaders Recall Faith, Courage on Berlin Wall Anniversary
Church leaders paid tribute Monday to the faith and courage of ordinary men and women who helped unify Germany and end the Cold War on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Orthodox Group: We Can Keep Anglicans Together
The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans believes it could be the key to preventing a split in the Church of England. FCA Chairman the Rt. Rev. Paul Perkin said the organization could be the "glue" needed to hold the Church together.
WCC Leaders Stress Importance of Honesty in Interfaith Encounters
Both the incoming and outgoing heads of the World Council of Churches this week stressed honesty as the basis upon which people of different faiths can have meaningful encounters.
Christians Urged to Mentor Consumerist Generation of Believers
Christians growing up in the consumerist generation need help to maintain their faith and live for Jesus as they transition to adulthood, said evangelical leaders at a recent symposium.
Anglican Head Dismayed by Lack of Repentance for Financial Crisis
The head of the worldwide Anglican Communion expressed his disappointment Tuesday over the lack of repentance among bankers for their part in the financial crisis.
Tough Times for Wycliffe as Donations Fall
Wycliffe Bible Translators in the U.K. says it is planning for a \"tough\" financial year ahead amid falling donations and a difficult economic climate.
Churches in Bolivia Hope for Peace Beyond Conflict
Churches in Bolivia are struggling to overcome the violence afflicting the country, says an ecumenical team sent by the World Council of Churches.
Church of England Urged to Mull Ties with New Anglican Body in America
The General Synod of the Church of England will be asked to decide whether it wants to be in communion with the newly founded Anglican Church of North America.
World's Oldest Bible Published Online
More than 800 pages and fragments of the 4th-century Codex Sinaiticus, the world's oldest Christian Bible, have been pieced together digitally from around the world by institutions in the United Kingdom, Germany, Egypt and Russia.
No End to 'Misery' in Congo, Says Aid Agency
An international development agency is reporting that the seemingly endless war in the Democratic Republic of Congo is causing "misery" for the people there. Caritas International estimates that 14 percent of children will die before their fifth birthday