Jennifer Roback Morse
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Has Pope Francis changed Catholic Church teaching?
The Vatican’s recent actions have caused tremendous confusion. All of us who are committed to traditional Christian sexual morality must keep our wits about us if we are to navigate this mess.
15 Reasons to Oppose Surrogacy
I am an outspoken critic of gestational surrogacy, in which the gestational mother carries a child to term for another person or couple. I have noticed that many people do not understand the stakes in this issue.
Sperm Donors, Egg Donors and Surrogacy: Why the Baby-Making Industry Is a Disaster
Sperm donation, egg donation and surrogacy: Third party reproduction seems to be a "done deal" in Western society. Even ardently pro-life people do not seem to see the problems. Hey, these techniques are making babies, not killing them.
Did the Christian God Rape Mary or Did She Consent?
Dr. Tarico cites numerous examples of rape stories in a variety of religious traditions: Zeus, Jupiter, Zoroaster and so on. Tucked away within those stories is the story of the virginal conception of Jesus in the womb of Mary
Recipe for Peace: Overcoming Loneliness
Christmas is the saddest time of the year in which to feel lonely. We can feel alone in a crowded room, when we feel no one really knows or understands us.
Mom's Home: A Word to Conservative Critics of Pope Francis
Ok, everyone. I realize I have been out of the loop for a while. I have been trying to finish a book. And I had an unexpected family emergency to deal with. But Mom's home now. Time to shape up.
Blessed Paul VI, Prophet and Pope: His Views On Same Sex Marriage Are Being Upheld By Pope Francis
Pope Francis beatified Pope Paul VI at the close of the contentious Synod on the Family. Pope Francis will not be "progressing" toward some new day of sexual freedom. He is "sealing the deal" on Church teaching on contraception by beatifying Paul VI.
Gay Activist Elites at Fault: Why I am Not Angry at Lesbians Who Sue the Sperm Bank
One only has to look through a few comments on websites, Left or Right, to see that the lesbian lawsuit for breach of warranty and wrongful birth over a mixed race baby has struck a very negative chord.
Ayn Rand and the Mind of An Impressionable Twenty-Something
I went to see Atlas Shrugged Part III the night it opened. The evening led me to reflect on what had attracted me to Ayn Rand as a twenty-something graduate student in economics.
Straight Rugby Buddies Get Married: So Why Do Gay Activists Have a Problem?
In this story from New Zealand, two male friends (who are not gay, by the way) are about to marry each other.