Jerry Newcombe
Why we should celebrate the King James Bible
With another school season gearing up, debates about the content of curriculum arise. Should the Bible be included in any way?
The ongoing war on Western civilization
Here again, we see students in one of our most expensive and elite schools of higher learning articulating Marxist goals to tear down Western society.
Why the French have a lot to learn from the Pilgrims
The Pilgrims were a remarkable group who blazed a trail for freedom for others to be able to come and live in freedom of conscience.
Are we on path to ultimately lose the American experiment?
If we continue much further down the path of ignorance of American history and civics, we could ultimately lose the American experiment of self-rule.
Biden, AOC and the Left still wants to gut the Supreme Court
Some on the left, including President Joe Biden and AOC, want to gut the Supreme Court.
Is Trump's close death similar to George Washington's?
Washington wondered how it is that in that battle men all around him were dying, while he was spared.
How different were the American and French revolutions?
While the United States, with its Judeo-Christian foundation, grew and flourished, what happened in France?
Happy 248th birthday, America
Happy 248th birthday to America. May God help us not to squander such freedoms, nor let them sift through our fingers.
Are the Ten Commandments making a comeback?
Think about these words — written long before school shootings became virtually commonplace. We can’t have the children reading, meditating on, venerating, and obeying commands like, “Thou shalt do no murder” or “Thou shalt not steal” or “Thou shalt not lie.”
How much influence, if any, should the Bible have on American public policy?
How much influence, if any, should the Bible have on American public policy?