Jessica Martinez
CP Reporter
Renowned Hispanic Evangelical Leaders to Headline East Coast Leadership Movement
Influential evangelical leaders based in the U.S. and Latin America, will gather in Washington, D.C. for a leadership meeting this week known as LiderVision, designed to bring together Hispanic evangelists, pastors and psalmists.
Interview: T.D. Jakes on the Importance of Instincts and How to Use It to Succeed
Most people find it difficult to get in tune with their inner voice amid their busy lives, however taking time to listen to a gut feeling or an instinct can lead to discovering a life of abundance and satisfaction, says Bishop T.D. Jakes.
Alan Robertson of 'Duck Dynasty': My Father Phil Is a '21st Century Prophet'
Phil Robertson of the A&E reality TV series "Duck Dynasty" is oftentimes compared to John the Baptist for speaking about the Gospel unapologetically, says his son, Alan Robertson. Alan, a guest speaker at the Family Research Council's "Watchmen on the Wall 2014" event Thursday, addressed a crowd of hundreds of pastors to encourage them to continue preaching the Gospel without compromise; much like his family is known to do on their show.
Support for Gay Marriage Reaches All-Time High in Gallup Poll
A Gallup poll shows that the majority of Americans believe gay marriage should be legally recognized and should offer the same rights as traditional marriage.
Federal Judge Overturns Pennsylvania Law Banning Gay Marriage
A federal judge overturned Pennsylvania's ban on gay marriage Tuesday, making it the last state in the Northeastern corner to legalize same-sex marriage.
Gay Pride Flag Displayed at Costa Rica's Presidential Palace; Christians Speak Out in Opposition
The president of Costa Rica raised the gay pride flag at the presidential palace to mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia last Saturday.
East L.A. Church Home to Former Gangsters, Addicts Gets Facelift
A Los Angeles church known as a home to transformed gang members and drug addicts in the early 1990's is set for a facelift. While a majority of its original members have left, a new pastor has been named, and a building renovation is in the works.
Wisconsin Megachurch Pastor to Entertain Hollywood A-List at Cannes Film Festival
A Wisconsin megachurch pastor hopes to entertain some of Hollywood's A-list crowd at the Cannes Film Festival in France where he plans to present his popular and humorous "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" seminar.
Study Finds That Prayer Has Physical Healing Effects on the Brain
A new study conducted by a Christian researcher reveals that physical healing can occur as a result of the power of prayer.
North Carolina Church Goes Green with Solar Panels and Urban Garden
A North Carolina church is going green by installing solar panels on their rooftop in an effort to save costs and become more environmentally friendly.