Joseph D'Souza
How should people of faith worldwide respond to the Dobbs decision?
When courts take on the roles of the executive branch and the legislative branch of government, they cause enormous confusion for institutions of democracy.
The unravelling of public discourse in evangelical Christianity
When Christians resort to mob justice with regards to criminal activity, whether that’s sexual abuse, financial fraud, or anything else, we end up descending into tribalism in a failed attempt to bring justice.
The right to privacy is sacrosanct
Unfortunately, most governments today ascribe to themselves god-like powers, attempting to know the private lives of all citizens. But when privacy is violated, free will is jeopardized. God knows all, yet does not violate our free will.
Father Stan Swamy is a martyr and should be declared a saint
By following his Master, Jesus, Father Stan Swamy is the latest Church martyr. Many Indian citizens across all religious and social lines are shocked that Swamy died while in police custody in prison. The U.N., EU and a host of other forums have said he was arrested under false charges. His death under the most inhumane conditions is a blot against Indian society.
Why the free world must boldly confront China
Americans now seem to be realizing what we in the Republic of India have long accepted: Dealing with Communist China is incredibly complex and fraught with danger and deception.
Condemning Islamic terrorism is not Islamophobia
As a religious leader myself, I am deeply grieved to have to say something that should be obvious: religiously-motivated violence committed anywhere, by any religious group, must be classified as an act of terror.
Lent: A season to remember how to suffer well
On Wednesday, Feb. 26 — Ash Wednesday — many members of the global church will enter the Lenten season.
Why Trump and Modi's friendship is good for US, India and the world
President Trump today received one of the most outstanding welcomes ever given by the Indian government to a foreign leader.
Can Secularism Build a Civilization?
At heart, the real question Christians all over the world must answer today is whether or not they will hold on to the authority of Scripture and the gospel the church has historically believed in.
A Reckoning Has Come: What the News Media in the US and India Have in Common
Thanks to the gaffes and the blatant bias of some reporters, the credibility of the American press has been heavily damaged.