Ken Connor
CP Contributor
Can Christianity in the West Endure?
For Christians lucky enough to live in the free West, we have in large part become complacent and apathetic. Our embrace of relativism and our addiction to material things, coupled with our self-obsession, has dulled our sense of the Transcendent and diminished our faith.
Religious Persecution: Our Silence is Deafening
The recent kidnappings in Nigeria by the Islamic militant group Boka Haram has cast the issue of religious persecution – of Christians in particular – into the spotlight, and begs the question: Why have American Christians been so silent on the subject of religious persecution of their spiritual brethren around the world?
GOP Bluebloods Failure to Recognize Tea Party Passion Could Spell Doom
This week the Washington Post's Chris Cilizza took up the question of whether the ongoing antagonism between the Tea Party and the establishment wing of the GOP will spell doom for Republicans' chances in 2016.
Pro-Markets or Pro-Business? It's Time for the GOP to Decide
It's no secret that the Republican Party has for some time been coping with a multifaceted identity crisis. With the election of Barack Obama, the fallout from the 2008 economic collapse, the emergence of the Tea Party, unrest among social conservatives, and a Congressional era marked by deep intra-party animosity, the GOP has been challenged to prove to the American people that it is the party to restore American prosperity and American values.
Missing the Forest for the Trees With the Contraception Mandate
Last week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc case. As virtually everyone is aware, the CEO of Hobby Lobby is contesting the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act's contraception mandate.
Reclaiming Conservatism
This month, the American Conservative Union's Conservative annual Political Action Conference, or CPAC, convened in Washington, D.C. This year's conference featured many of the GOP's presumed up-and-comers, people like Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, and Bobby Jindal.
Disabled Children Deserve Our Love Too
Secular humanists like to sneer at religious folk for our stubborn insistence upon seeing God's hand at work in the world. We call "providence" what the materialist sees as a random unfolding of events. We see a blessing where the nonbeliever sees nothing more than the mundane workings of physics or biology.
Faith: The Only Sure Foundation for Human Dignity
Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards recently tweeted out a short video featuring her suggestions of what women really need for Valentine's Day. Among a litany that included "well woman visits," "cancer screenings," and "birth control," was "safe & legal abortion." All of this, we're mockingly informed, is "really radical stuff" which, of course, is a sarcastic quip meant to stigmatize those who don't embrace the entirety of Planned Parenthood's ideology, including its disposable man eth
Faith At Work
Last fall, the Supreme Court agreed to review two religious liberty cases surrounding the Obama Administration's contraception mandate. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties maintain that the federal requirement is an unlawful infringement upon religious liberty, and this year we'll find out if the highest court in the land concurs.
Lone Survivor: A Tale of Horror and Heroism
To the extent that art really does imitate life, every American owes it to themselves and to our troops to see the blockbuster film, Lone Survivor. Panned by cynical elites as "shameless war-porn," in reality this movie portrays the heroism and sacrifice of four members of Seal Team 10 during a mission gone bad in the mountains of Afghanistan in 2007.