Luiza Oleszczuk
Christian Post Reporter
Christians in Iran Seek Help for Children Arrested During Church Raid
A group of Christian children whose Sunday school was raided by Iranian authorities last Christmas have been subject to potential mental strain after the event and need international support, says the Hamgam Council of Iranian Churches.
Indian Courts Order Facebook, Google to Remove 'Religiously Offensive' Material
Nineteen U.S. companies, including Facebook, Google and Yahoo, have been ordered by two Indian courts to remove materials considered religiously offensive and obscene, which has sparked accusations that the government is attempting to censor the Internet in the country.
Bangladesh Pornography Ban Raises Issue of Online Privacy
The Bangladeshi government has approved, and the Parliament is expected to pass, a new anti-pornography law that would reportedly prohibit making or distributing any kind of pornographic material, including such material made available on the Internet.
Riva Tims Drops Lawsuit Against Zachery Tims' Fla. Church (VIDEO)
The ex-wife of late Pastor Zachary Tims, Riva Tims, is dropping plans to sue New Destiny Christian Center's (NDCC) board of directors over its installation of Paula White as the church's senior pastor.
Divorce Rate Among Afghanistan, Iraq War Vets Increases by 42 Percent (VIDEO)
The divorce rate among military couples has increased 42 percent throughout the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, a recent study shows, adding to the woes of U.S. military veterans returning from the Middle East.
A Third of UK Divorces Blamed on Facebook
Some 33 percent of divorce petitions filed in the United Kingdom referenced Facebook in 2011, an increase of 20 percent since 2009, according to a recent survey conducted by a U.K. divorce website.
Riva Tims: Paula White's Appointment Process Was 'Illegal' and 'Deceptive' (VIDEO)
Zachery Tims' ex-wife, Riva Tims, has responded to New Destiny Christian Center's claim that the Florida minister has no legal standing in her lawsuit regarding church administrators' installation of Paula White as senior pastor of the church she helped co-found, calling the selection process "negligent and illegal" as well as "deceptive" in a post on her Facebook page.
Census Bureau: A Baby to Be Born Every 8 Seconds in Jan. 2012
When the clock strikes midnight this Saturday, the U.S. population will have hit 312.8 million people, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Is the nation's population in danger of getting out of control?
Poor Christians Often Targets of Persecution in Pakistan
Poverty and ignorance are major factors that make breeding ground for intolerance against the Christian minority in Pakistan, according to Pakistani minister Paul Bhatti, an adviser to the Prime Minister for National Harmony in Pakistan.
Zambian Christians to March Against 'Satanic' Flood of Homosexuality
Christians in Zambia have declared they will march Thursday in the capital city to pressure the government to clearly state that homosexuality is not tolerated in the country and should not be protected by the new Zambian constitution.