Luiza Oleszczuk
Christian Post Reporter
Religious Leaders 'March' on Federal Reserve in 'Occupy the Dream' Movement
The “Occupy” movement is back, and this time it joins forces with progressive religious leaders in a siege of 13 locations of the Federal Reserve Bank across the nation as the country celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day Monday.
Canadian Legal Loophole Makes Same-Sex Marriages 'Meaningless'
The Canadian government is currently reviewing its same-sex marriage law to ensure such nuptials involving non-Canadians are recognized, after it surfaced that a legal loophole made divorce impossible for some couples coming from countries that do not recognize such unions.
US, Europe 'Sacrificing' Syrian Christians for Political Gain, Says Church Leader
A Syrian church leader has accused Western powers of sacrificing Middle Eastern Christians for political and economic gain at a time of an increase in radical Islamism in the region. At issue, according to observers, is the wisdom of supporting pro-democracy protests as the U.S. has done, or the Syrian regime, as many Christians have done.
Minneapolis Basilica Protests Plan for Vikings Stadium Near Its Historical Building
As Minnesota officials get ready to choose a site for the new Vikings stadium, a Minneapolis church is protesting the relocation of the sport complex near to its historical building.
Zachery Tims' Mother Still Fighting to Keep Cause of Death Private
Madeline Tims, mother of popular Florida pastor Zachery Tims who passed away in August of suspicious causes, has appealed the N.Y. Supreme Court decision Wednesday to release the late minister's cause and manner of death information.
NYC Extends Bronx Church's Lease Amid Fears of 'Crackdown' on Worship (VIDEO)
The New York City Housing Authority has extended the lease of a Bronx church that uses one of its facilities after the congregation accused authorities of trying to evict them in the context of an alleged clampdown on worship groups in government buildings.
US Claims Immunity in 1940s STD Experiments on Guatemalan Orphans, Prostitutes
The United States has rejected the grounds of a lawsuit filed by the Guatemalan victims of 1940s experiments who are seeking justice from the government. Despite the Obama Administration deeming the STD experiments unethical, the U.S. has claimed immunity against the suit.
Calif. Considers Bill That Blurs 'Gender Identity' Rules in Schools
A new law proposed in the California State Assembly would dispose gender segregation in schools, allowing students to attend activities and school facilities in accordance with their "gender identity."
Religious Groups Facing Increased Persecution Across China, Experts Say
Ethnic and religious minorities in China are facing the worst climate for human rights since 1989, the year of the Tiananmen Square massacre, experts say.
Supreme Court Hears Case That Could Make TV Obscenity Accessible to Children
The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in a case that could loosen regulation on the amount of vulgar language and nudity that is broadcast on public television between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., a time when many children are tuned in.