Michael Brown

Michael Brown

Op-ed Contributor

Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? Connect with him on FacebookTwitter, or YouTube.


  • Don't gloat when your enemy falls

    Don't gloat when your enemy falls

    Not only so, but if God determines that our gloating deserves more attention than the previous sins of our enemy, it will cause him to stop bringing judgment down on our foe.

  • Transanity: At what point do we call foul?

    Transanity: At what point do we call foul?

    And yes, there is a reason I call this "transanity". It is not to attack those struggling with gender confusion but to expose the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of our culture. At what point do we, as a society, cry foul?

  • The overturning of Roe v. Wade and the call to ‘beat the arrows’ in prayer

    The overturning of Roe v. Wade and the call to ‘beat the arrows’ in prayer

    So, let us press in to God like never before, also asking for His mercy on our land after the shedding of so much innocent blood and after so much indifference from so many of us. Let us seize this holy, historic moment and not let it go – for the ultimate good of all Americans.

  • Is the Left endorsing conversion therapy for trans children?

    Is the Left endorsing conversion therapy for trans children?

    But what cannot be denied is that they are witnessing all too many horror stories of young people who have destroyed their lives, and as psychologists and activists, they cannot be silent any longer.

  • The ‘masters of the universe’ are humans, not gods

    The ‘masters of the universe’ are humans, not gods

    With today’s internet giants having so much power, to the point of influencing what we think, what we buy, how we vote, and how we live, it is all too easy to forget that these “masters of the universe” are just mortals, here today and gone tomorrow, mere flesh and blood.

  • Is there blood on the hands of leftist provocateurs?

    Is there blood on the hands of leftist provocateurs?

    Yet the same politicians and pundits who shouted “White supremacy!” from the rooftops in the Rittenhouse case have been silent when it comes to the elephant in the room in the Brooks’ case.

  • The massive difference between Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and BLM

    The massive difference between Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and BLM

    The difference between Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the BLM movement is the difference between light and darkness, between love and hate. It is a difference that needs to be emphasized for the sake of the dignity of all black lives, every one of which matters to God and every one of which should matter to us.

  • A different point of view vs. an opposing worldview

    A different point of view vs. an opposing worldview

    Really now, isn’t that what we always accuse the left of doing, namely, repeating the same mantras and talking points without nuance or balance? Is our side so weak that it can’t survive scrutiny or pushback or different points of view on secondary issues?

  • From ‘intergenerational intimacy’ to ‘minor-attracted persons’

    From ‘intergenerational intimacy’ to ‘minor-attracted persons’

    Obviously, while there is a world of difference between consensual acts between two adults of the same sex and the rape of a child by an adult, it is striking that arguments in favor of destigmatizing homosexuality mirror arguments in favor of destigmatizing pedophilia and pederasty.

  • The tragic racial politicizing of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial

    The tragic racial politicizing of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial

    But even if Rittenhouse knew exactly who they were — although, to repeat, there is no concrete evidence that he did — that doesn’t mean that the shootings were related to white supremacy.