Mike & Trisha Fox

CP Guest Contributor


  • When Couples Give the Silent Treatment

    They say that "silence is golden," but when it comes to marriage, we simply call it a "marriage killer."

  • Miscarriages – Hope Amid Darkness

    We were elated with electrified emotions when we learned that we were about to have a baby! It seemed like it took forever just to get pregnant! Years of waiting and then still it took what seemed like forever and a day just to get pregnant.

  • To Spank or Not To Spank –Truth, Myths & Lies

    Rarely is there a topic so heated, so passionate, so debated – especially among Christians – that it not only continues to grow, but actually thrusts beyond the topic itself into the realm of "Parental Rights." The topic, in case you haven't guessed, is spanking, or more accurately termed biblical training or discipli

  • Married Without, Well, You Know – Intimacy

    There are untold Christians, both saints and leaders alike, living in a marriage without intimacy, or sex as the true term is coined. This terminology for this type of marriage, whether Christian or not is deemed a “sexless marriage.”

  • When Couples Use God to Hide Their Marital Troubles

    You battle the physical with the physical, and the spiritual with the spiritual. Marriage is in the physical, using your emotions, mouth, eyes, hands, heart, and brain.

  • Time for a Marriage Revolution

    From the pulpit to the pew – we continue to hear of the ruins and rubble of marriages across the country in our very own Christian communities. And divorce and broken marriages are no respecter of persons, race or nationalities. We hear of divorces in the predominantly white as well as bishops divorcing in the predominantly black churches.

  • The End of Marriage – Declaring War on Traditional Marriage

    The unthinkable has happened for all Christian couples that have not been desensitized by the liberal media: the war on traditional marriage is climaxing to an almost unstoppable, destructive momentum – at least with mainstream media.

  • Changing Disagreements Into Agreements

    “A marriage based on full confidence, based on complete and unqualified frankness on both sides; they are not keeping anything back; there's no deception underneath it all. If I might so put it, it's an agreement for the mutual forgiveness of sin.” ~ Henrik Ibsen

  • How Your Past Affects Your Marriage

    The formula for a happy marriage? It's the same as the one for living in California: when you find a fault, don't dwell on it!

  • Help for Dual Income Couples

    Many psychologists say that money is a root of divorces. We disagree. It is not money or income... it is the heart and where priorities lie. It is the "love of money" that's the root of evil, not "money" itself.