Paul de Vries

Op-ed Contributor


  • Biblical Reasons We Fail to See Jesus

    Biblical Reasons We Fail to See Jesus

    The Bible text itself – especially in John 20:11-18 – suggests four reasons for her failure in recognizing the living Jesus, even though Jesus is standing right in front of her and speaking with her, and even though she is thinking only about Jesus at the time.

  • Seeing the Grace of God

    Seeing the Grace of God

    What we see with our eyes matters. Each of our "perceptual worlds" depends upon what is in front of us to see, to look at. But what we see also depends upon other factors, too, such as our knowledge, our interests, our experiences, our attitudes.

  • The Best Christians Are Doubting Christians (Part 2)

    The Best Christians Are Doubting Christians (Part 2)

    Yesterday I argued that doubt is necessary but unbelief is dangerous. As odd as its sounds, doubt is never a hazard to vibrant Christian faith. Rather, some sincere doubt is necessary to sustain the vitality of the Christian walk.

  • The Best Christians Are Doubting Christians (Part 1)

    The Best Christians Are Doubting Christians (Part 1)

    By contrast, I know of no Biblical passage where we are even warned against doubt! Perhaps this is because doubt and belief are fully compatible and because there is no slippery slope from doubt to unbelief. Actually, as odd as this may sound, doubt is never a hazard to vibrant Christian faith. Rather, some sincere doubt is necessary to sustain the vitality of the Christian walk.

  • Bible Study With Scissors? Snipping Out Miracles, Prophecies and Jesus' Deity

    Bible Study With Scissors? Snipping Out Miracles, Prophecies and Jesus' Deity

    We all can be vigilant, and be especially wary of those who bring their scissors to Bible study – intent on cutting everything away but their own preconceived, powerless, paper-doll "Jesus."

  • Advent Prayers for Persecuted Christians: Angels' Peace Prescription

    Advent Prayers for Persecuted Christians: Angels' Peace Prescription

    This season of Advent, beginning the first day of December, is full of the JOY of the Lord! What could be more wonderful than the Good News that the Savior is born, that God himself has come to Earth as the Messiah? The great prophesies are fulfilled, including these profound and awesome words of Isaiah:

  • Why Christians Need to Have Great Courage Living Today in the World

    Why Christians Need to Have Great Courage Living Today in the World

    We live now in a time of great courage. More people are suffering for their faith in Christ than perhaps at any other time in history. Christians are suffering in Muslim countries in many places in Africa, southern Asia, and the Middle East. Not only are churches burned with worshippers locked inside, and other Christians are severely tortured – but more "camouflaged" persecution continues, too, with harsh discrimination in jobs, education, housing and other necessities. In some countries like A

  • Needed: Leadable Leaders

    Needed: Leadable Leaders

    As we watch some of the leadership catastrophes in Washington, D.C. – in the White House, Congress and Supreme Court – and in countless other places, it is evident that our leaders lack something crucial. And perhaps most of us lack it, too, since we helped put these "leaders" into office. How else do we explain the chaos of American foreign policy (Syria, Egypt, etc.), health care policy (Obamacare, etc.), and budgeting the public treasury (debt explosion, etc.)?

  • How We Missed the Real Race Issue and the Biblical Case for Unity

    How We Missed the Real Race Issue and the Biblical Case for Unity

    In the present political posturing and race pandering, the real race issue is missed, even though this one race issue matters most to God and is most deeply addressed in our national documents. What is that real race issue?

  • 'Words' Are the Chief Social Justice Issue of Our Time?

    'Words' Are the Chief Social Justice Issue of Our Time?

    Now, any appreciation of the precious power of words should awaken within each of us a compassionate desire also to help illiterate people. In justice, we must help men and women and children who find themselves fully or partly dis-empowered as people and detached from the joys Word-power.