Rachel Alexander
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Shot Show: The Last Bastion of Growing Conservatives
Last week, I attended the largest gun and outdoors show in the world; the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show. The annual Las Vegas event is so huge that only those who work in the industry are allowed to attend.
The Ugly Reality of the Chris Christie Bridge Scandal
It came to light last week that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's administration plotted with transportation officials to create traffic gridlock in Fort Lee, N.J., after its Democratic Mayor Mark Sokolich refused to back Christie's reelection bid.
Mass Marketing Ads Are Becoming Inappropriate, Annoying to Most Americans
The problem lies with ads being rammed in our face that contain inappropriate content. We are now bombarded with constant reminders of things we find repulsive or immoral, day in and day out. Our children, whose minds are still developing and so are more susceptible to influence, are being bombarded equally with this adult content.
The 'Mommy Wars' Are Over
Women used to be faced with a dilemma: forgo a career to stay at home and raise children, or sacrifice the upbringing of your children in order to pursue a career. Since the 1960's, feminists and conservatives have sparred over this choice. Feminists criticized mothers who stayed at home, claiming women could instead "have it all;" pursue a career while putting their kids in daycare. Conservatives criticized women who put their career first, correctly observing that a parent in the home raising
Reality TV Shows Aren't All Bad
While a considerable amount of reality TV isn't any better than The Jerry Springer Show, not all of it is bad. In fact, it has provided a venue to feature conservative values, and has launched the careers of many prominent conservatives.
Millennials Finally Turn Against Obama Over Jobs, Obamacare
A majority of 18-to-24-year-olds now say they would recall Obama as president if they could. It is finally happening; young people who overwhelmingly supported Obama are now turning away from him in droves. The hope and change he promised never materialized, instead replaced with deteriorating conditions.
High School Sex Ed Indoctrination Reaching Dangerous Levels
Sex education in the schools – which conservatives have tried to limit to abstinence-only – has now gone well beyond simple education. Today's students are being coerced into promoting and acting out the politically correct views taught them. It is being done so sneakily, using the authoritative stamp of approval by the public schools, that even my conservatively raised children were cajoled into participating.
DUI Checkpoints: Yay or Nay?
DUI sobriety checkpoints, also known as roadblocks, are one of those things that sound good until you think it through. No one wants drunk drivers on the road. But no one wants texters or people eating lunch on the road, either, which are even more dangerous.
Dodd-Frank: Making it Hard to Get a Mortgage
The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, sarcastically known as Dodd-Frankery and Dodd-Frankenstein, was passed into law in response to the financial crisis and recession of 2008. It contains the most drastic changes to financial regulations since the regulatory reform after the Great Depression.
Chris Christie for President?
Last week, it came out that New Jersey's Republican Governor Chris Christie refused to campaign for Ken Cuccinelli in the Virginia governor's race, which no doubt contributed to Cuccinelli's loss. The jovial, fun-loving, charismatic Christie is wildly popular, with the second highest approval rating of Republican governors. He won re-election in Democratic-stronghold New Jersey by a landslide last week, with 60 percent of the vote to his Democrat challenger's 39 percent.