Rachel Alexander
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Stepdad of Michael Brown Incites Ferguson Riots: 'Burn This B*** Down!'
The ramifications of this trial by race baiters are deadly and only serve to needlessly worsen race relations. The Ferguson confrontation was provoked after Michael Brown was filmed in a convenience store surveillance video threatening and assaulting a shopkeeper, then committing strong-arm robbery of a package of cigarellos.
Al Sharpton and His $4.5 Million Dollar Tax Bill
Years of massive corruption by the man known for stirring up race relations and making them worse are finally being exposed. While flying around the country first class, dressed in lavish suits, and most recently stirring the pot in Ferguson, Mo., Al Sharpton has avoided paying millions in taxes - that would have landed the rest of us in prison.
The Depression of Obama
Oddly, many conservatives are afraid to point out the obvious - that Obama is in over his head and depressed.
Second Amendment Showdown: 5,500 Washington State Gun Owners Intend to Engage in Civil Disobedience
First Connecticut, and then New York passed gun control laws this year - that many people believe are unconstitutional - turning hundreds of thousands of AR-15 owners into felons simply for not registering their guns. Now, Washington state gun owners intend to take things to a new level in response to Washington's new gun control law.
Feminists Jealous of Catcalls and Speaking to Women Walking in New York City
Last week, a video went viral of a woman walking in New York City receiving numerous flirty remarks from men. At the end of the video, entitled "10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman," an organization called Hollaback, which produced it, indicated this was "verbal street harassment" and encouraged people to donate money to fight the practice.
Tom DeLay Exonerated by Final Court in Texas; Liberal Media Virtually Silent
If you tried to find out what recently happened in court ending the criminal case against former GOP Congressman Tom DeLay, almost all the results that come up are from conservative sites. The left-wing news media deliberately ignored the story of his total legal exoneration earlier this month.
Stealth Gun Control Initiative Too Close to Call In Washington State
I-594 has been cleverly drafted to sound like it merely makes small changes to gun laws, not a flat-out ban or gun registration scheme. This is why it is so dangerous. People are less likely to oppose it; in fact, polls show that even a majority of gun owners - 54 percent of the 35 percent of Washington residents who own a gun - are in favor of it.
Opposition Group Turns to Stealth and Sexism to Oppose Shared Parenting In North Dakota
All too often, instead of being the keepers of the law, state bar associations flagrantly violate the law instead. They get away with this because they are controlled by powerful judges and affluent left-wing attorneys.
Historic, Revered Gun Range About to Be Shut Down By the Left Wing Activists
Left-wing activists in the government frequently target gun ranges, and sadly, one is finally about to be wrongly shut down. This is alarming, because it marks the beginning of a slippery slope leading to forcing other gun ranges out of business.
Dinesh D'Souza Criminally Sentenced While John Edwards and Other Liberals Skated
Last week a judge sentenced conservative author Dinesh D'Souza, one of the most brilliant conservative political writers of the modern era, to eight months in a halfway house and probation. He was also ordered to pay a $30,000 fine within 45 days. What was his alleged crime? He made two contributions to a losing political campaign under the names of friends