Rachel Alexander
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Women Crying Over Supreme Court Decisions on Funding Abortifacients
Poverty, violence and other issues aside, women everywhere are focused on being depressed after hearing the "anti-woman" ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. and Wheaton College v. Sylvia Burwell last week.
Conservative Andrew Thomas Likely to Become Arizona's Next Governor
With Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer term limited, a crowded field of Republicans has emerged hoping to replace her in 2015. The liberal media can't make up its mind which of the more moderate to liberal candidates it prefers, so those four are all being touted as frontrunners. Various contradictory polls from groups with agendas have been released, with wildly humorous results.
Mass Shootings: It's Time to Go Back to Institutionalizing the Severely Mentally Ill
The left consistently blames guns for school shootings, while mostly ignoring the big elephant in the room: mental illness. Up until the 1960s, the severely mentally ill were locked up in psychiatric hospitals, for their own good and for the protection of society. The ACLU and the left changed that, by successfully suing to get them released out onto the streets.
Leading Women For Shared Parenting Celebrates its One-Year Anniversary on Father's Day
It has been exactly one year since the organization Leading Women For Shared Parenting launched, as a fledgling organization with just a handful of women. The group was formed to remedy the unfair child custody system, which encourages parents to fight against each other, hurting children who are deprived of time with their parents and their extended family.
Tea Party Revolution Taking Place in England
Something remarkable is taking place in our mother country. Late last month, a third party on the right overtook both major political parties in a national election, as significantly more people in England voted for the right over the left. The UK Independence Party (UKIP) is surging as a sort of British equivalent to the Tea Party, proposing a reduction in immigration and leaving the European Union.
The Left's New Censorship of Free Speech: 'Check Your Privilege'
Before you read and critique this article, you need to "check your privilege" - the left's latest phrase to silence free speech from conservatives, a silly sounding but totalitarian new phrase.
Seattle Set To Destroy Economy With Highest Minimum Wage Increase in the World
The city of Seattle is about to phase in a drastic increase in the minimum wage to $15/hr, thanks to the efforts of its new socialist city councilwoman, Kshama Sawant. Seattle's far left mayor Ed Murray has now taken up the effort, and it is expected to be passed into law by the city council soon.
Arizona's Pseudo-Conservative Attorney General Embroiled In Campaign Scandals
The scandals are beginning to snowball around Arizona's Attorney General Tom Horne, who is running for reelection this year. The latest revelation comes from a high-level staffer within the office, Sarah Beattie, who resigned last month because she believed Horne was running his campaign out of the government office.
IRS Brazenly Continues Crackdowns On Conservative Organizations
A little publicized IRS decision should have conservatives who write about politics very alarmed. The IRS revoked the tax-exempt status of a conservative political organization, the Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty (PHCIL), due to a handful of articles that founder Gary Aldrich wrote in his personal capacity.
Prosecutor's Targeting of Gun Range Exec Enters 15th Year
It has been three and a half years since I first covered the case of a Washington State prosecutor targeting Kitsap Rifle & Revolver Club (KRRC) Executive Officer Marcus Carter. Unbelievably, Kitsap County Prosecuting Attorney Russ Hauge, a Democrat, has still not stopped his witch-hunt, even though his waste of millions of dollars of taxpayers' money for almost 15 years has resulted in no convictions against Carter. As someone who has been targeted for years by zealous, well-connected prosecuto