Ray Comfort
Op-ed contributor
How to bring your children to Christ (pt. 1)
This misunderstanding of the necessity of genuine conversion usually comes from an unawareness of the reality of false conversion.
Was Saint Francis a sissy?
I heard that Saint Francis said “Preach the Gospel at all times. Where necessary, use words.” That statement upset me beyond words because it was a philosophy that I knew sounded deeply spiritual . . . to those who were spiritually shallow.
Sexual sin: Mankind's greatest weakness
Jesus was tempted in the same ways we are tempted. So it wouldn’t be unbiblical to say that He was tempted to commit sexual sin, but He never did — not even in thought.
How to remain motivated to read (and reread) the Bible
Every verse you superficially skim-read you show that you are not digging for treasure, so don’t be surprised when you won’t find any.
'I don’t care what happens to me after I die'
What do you say to someone who says, “I don’t care what happens to me after I die”?
The evolution of jerks
Most of us are unconsciously becoming jerks. We are becoming impatient, graceless, annoying jerks. But when someone comes to genuine faith in Jesus, there is a positive spinoff.
10 helpful tips on publishing your own book
Don’t be discouraged by all this. If God wants your book published, things will work out.
Top 10 things guilty sinners say to try to justify themselves
We’ve all been caught with our hand in the cookie jar, and therefore have two avenues: we can either try to cover our sins, or we can confess them.
Another ‘Christian’ becomes an atheist
Atheism is the “far country” of the prodigal son. He just wants to get away from God and His moral accountability. He wants to roll in the pigsty.
America’s race riots: The cause and the cure
Dear Christian, don’t get caught up in the fight against racism. Instead go for its cause.