Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort

Op-ed contributor


  • Don't trash the Bible

    Don't trash the Bible

    Many in this sinful world will tell you that the Scriptures are filled with unscientific statements, mistakes, contradictions, and atrocities. But if you believe them and trash the Bible, you will shred the directions on how to find everlasting life.

  • Without this, you cannot evangelize

    Without this, you cannot evangelize

    Once you truly know the Lord, you will be horrified that millions of human beings just like you and me will end up in Hell if they die in their sins. So, you will live to share your faith—to share the gospel with the dying world that surrounds you.

  • Sin's Multiple Betrayal

    Sin's Multiple Betrayal

    Judas traveled with Jesus during what are often called the "years of popularity." Judas witnessed the miracles. He was there when the fish were multiplied, when the storm was stilled, and when four-days-dead Lazarus came forth from the grave. He heard the gracious words come from the mouth of the Son of God, yet he betrayed Him.

  • No One Knows the Future

    No One Knows the Future

    We can never go back in time. Not for a second. The past is gone forever. Nor can we know what's going to happen in the future. We only have now. Even weather forecasters don't know what tomorrow will bring.

  • How to Live a Long Life

    How to Live a Long Life

    I know a number of people whose life's motto is that everyone out there is trying to either rob or kill them. Years ago, I would have laughed it off as paranoia. But nowadays I think it's somewhat justified.

  • Furious Man Rants About Pedophile Priests

    Furious Man Rants About Pedophile Priests

    Recently, a very angry man took out his frustrations on me because of pedophile priests in the Roman Catholic Church. I don't blame him for being angry. His language would curl your ear hair, but I certainly felt his pain.

  • Why Does God Allow Suffering?

    Why Does God Allow Suffering?

    Iconic Hollywood actress Shirley MacLaine caused outrage when she once asked if the Nazi Holocaust victims suffered because of their sins in past lives. "Karma" seems to give a reason as to why God allows or even sanctions suffering.

  • The Fleeing Philistines

    The Fleeing Philistines

    The world puts all of their eggs in one basket when it comes to their salvation. They champion self-righteousness and make no provision for its failure to justify them on Judgment Day.

  • Bringing Genesis Into Evangelism

    Bringing Genesis Into Evangelism

    Years ago, somebody sent me a video by well-known atheist Penn Jillette. He marveled that anyone could believe the foolish stories in the book of Genesis.

  • Atheism on the Decline?

    Atheism on the Decline?

    I think that many "free thinkers" are rethinking the belief that nothing created everything. It is so thoughtless.