Ryan Bomberger
Ryan Bomberger is the Chief Creative Officer and co-founder of The Radiance Foundation. He is happily married to his best friend, Bethany, who is the Executive Director of Radiance. They are adoptive parents with four awesome kiddos. Ryan is an Emmy Award-winning creative professional, factivist, international public speaker and author of NOT EQUAL: CIVIL RIGHTS GONE WRONG. He loves illuminating that every human life has purpose.
Yes, a Republican President Made Women's History Month Possible
Women's History Week, the precursor to Women's History Month, was introduced in February 1981 and was signed by Republican President Ronald Reagan.
Liberals, Floral Racism and Anglo-American Hysteria
Obama should have been the first one to come to Sessions' defense.
Pro-life Billboard Messages Get Banned
Targeting the black community with abortion is nothing new for an industry birthed in eugenic racism and elitism.
Christmas, Christ and New Creations
I know what it feels like to be rescued. The world says that, because of the circumstances of my conception, I should've been aborted. My birthmom's courage enabled me to live, to be adopted, to flourish. Nine of my twelve siblings were also rescued, adopted and loved.
Sorry, ACLU. Gay Is Not the New Black
Jack Phillips, a Christian cake artist who owns Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado has run his business for years according to his religious convictions. He is a gentle, kind and loving soul. He serves everyone, just not every event.
NAACP Should Issue Travel Advisory for Planned Parenthood
Where's the travel advisory for abortion facilities? There is substantial risk and actual harm done to black lives there every day. Nearly 270 are killed by the nation's leading abortion chain.
Harvey Weinstein and Hollywood Hypocrisy
Hollywood, the Land of Make-Believe and Botox injections, loves to inject its "moral" authority into every social issue. But, like everything Tinseltown produces, it's all duplicitous.
Real Men in the NFL Stand Up
Finally! NFL players across the country took a knee to protest the systemic racism and unjustified deaths that have plagued black communities for decades. They declared an end to Planned Parenthood. Oh, wait. Nope.
Charlottesville, Chaos and Confederate Statues
"Are you against the Confederacy?" I couldn't help but laugh at the desperate question thrown at President Trump during Tuesday's press conference. Really?
The Evangelists of Tolerance Have a Zero-Tolerance Policy
Why is it that the self-proclaimed evangelists of tolerance always seem to have a zero-tolerance policy? Tech giants that run the world's largest platforms of public discourse — Google, Facebook and Twitter — are the least likely to allow the diversity of opinion.