Shane Idleman

Shane Idleman

CP Guest Contributor

Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Lancaster, California, just North of Los Angeles. Shane's sermons, articles, books, and radio program can all be found at or He is the author of Feasting & Fasting, If My People, Desperate for More of God, and Help! I'm Addicted. Follow him on Facebook at: You can also follow Pastor Shane on the new free speech platform Parler


  • The struggle is real — passive and pushy pastors

    The struggle is real — passive and pushy pastors

    The number of prominent pastors stepping down because they are very controlling and manipulating, and creating a culture of fear and intimidation, appears to have reached new heights these days.

  • An open letter to the United States of America

    An open letter to the United States of America

    The atrocious demeanor of our elected officials must stop. Our arrogance has reached a new level—calling evil good, and good evil.

  • Thunderous applause — we can kill our children at 9 months  

    Thunderous applause — we can kill our children at 9 months  

    I could not believe what I was reading: People actually applauded the slaughtering of children. Was I having a dream ... a nightmare? Was this real?

  • Wake Up Christians — Silence Is Not an Option

    Wake Up Christians — Silence Is Not an Option

    We don't have to compromise our principles to be involved in politics—what good is salt left in the shaker, or a light that is hidden? "Politics" is not a bad word. In simple terms, politics refers to governing or leading a group of people. Politics won't save America, but in order to implement change, honor God, and help others, we must take action.

  • A Shocking Truth About School Violence

    A Shocking Truth About School Violence

    Like many, I am deeply concerned about school violence. A massive shift has occurred. Talking, chewing gum and making noise were the top three public school problems in the early 1960s. Currently, rape, robbery and assault could lead the list.

  • Should the Church Avoid Politics?

    Should the Church Avoid Politics?

    Before Fox News and CNN, the pulpit was where people acquired their information. Spurgeon preached against slavery. Martin Luther went against the political leaders of that day.

  • Christians Who Don't Speak Out on Politics Are Cowards

    Christians Who Don't Speak Out on Politics Are Cowards

    Where does this "don't get involved" mentality come from? Unfortunately, it comes from men and women who are cowards or who are ignorant to what God's Word says—they stay camped out in the "love verses" but not on the totality of Scripture.

  • Has California Lost Its Mind?

    Has California Lost Its Mind?

    Google "California school district says parents can't pull kids from new LGBT sex ed," and you can read the alarming article for yourself. A "toolkit" that offers kids tips on using sex toys and doing things that cannot be written in this article is one of the controversial aspects, and parents may not be able to opt out. Our arrogance as a state, and as a nation, is appalling.

  • Why Christians Should Practice the Discipline of Fasting

    Why Christians Should Practice the Discipline of Fasting

    Have we forgotten the hidden secret of fasting? I believe that we have. Fasting is challenging because the flesh always wants to negotiate. It says, "Can we meet in the middle? Don't completely remove food; that's too extreme...too hard...too rigid."

  • 4 Ways America, and the Church, Is on the Wrong Track

    4 Ways America, and the Church, Is on the Wrong Track

    The present condition of the church leaves one to wonder if the lack of the fear of the Lord is contributing to her spiritually dead condition.