Shane Vander Hart
CP Guest Contributor
It's Time to Stop Defending Judge Roy Moore
Some new information has come to light that I think is particularly bad for Moore.
Is God Honored by Partisan Prayers?
This is simply disturbing. This is a prime example of politics corrupting faith. Prayers should NEVER be partisan.
Liberals Judge God Incompetent After San Bernardino Shooting
I never thought I would see a day when anyone was harangued for offering prayer for the victims of a tragedy.
Life Begins at Heartbeat? Ben Carson Implodes on The Life Issue
Dr. Ben Carson has had a rough couple of days. Carson who is running for president, doing well fundraising, and has fared well in the polls may have taken a big hit with pro-life activists he will need if he plans to win the Iowa Caucus.
Winners & Losers of the 2015 FAMiLY Leadership Summit
I wanted to write a quick synopsis of the FAMiLY Leadership Summit on Saturday
Republican Presidential Hopefuls Blast Obama's ISIS Remarks
Monday afternoon President Obama held a press conference on the threat of ISIS after meeting with military leaders at the Pentagon. He said the United States "will never be at war with Islam" and that "ideologies are not defeated with guns."
Rand Paul's Courtship With Evangelicals: Will It Be Enough to Win the GOP Primary
U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has a greater ability to reach evangelicals than his father former Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) did in 2012, and he is reaching out.
Caitlyn Jenner: Where Our True Self and True Identity Is Found
The world, at least the social media world, took note of former Olympian Bruce Jenner unveiling himself as "Caitlyn" Jenner.
An Evangelical Argument Against Sodomy Laws of the Past
Matthew Lee Anderson wrote a fabulous piece at Mere Orthodoxy on the religious liberty debate we are currently having in the context of the rise of the legal momentum that LGBT activists have seen.
Hillary Clinton Says Education Is a 'Non-Family Enterprise'
Hillary Clinton's campaign arranged an education roundtable at a satellite campus of Kirkwood Community College in Monticello, Iowa.