Liberals Judge God Incompetent After San Bernardino Shooting
Here is the liberal response to the San Bernardino shooting on Wednesday that left 14 dead, encapsulated on the cover of the New York Daily News.

I never thought I would see a day when anyone was harangued for offering prayer for the victims of a tragedy. The cover above is only a taste of some of what I saw on Twitter as news of the San Bernardino shooting unfolded.
How arrogant. In their rebuke of Republicans' call to prayer they actually judge God incompetent.
God isn't fixing this? How do they know? Because they are not seeing the political results they would like to see?
Prayer is a meaningless platitude? God can't fix the problem of mass shootings?
Actually God is the only one who can fix this mess of a sinful, broken world. The problem is not with guns. The problem is with sinful humanity. God is the only One who can fix a sinful human heart.
That isn't politically correct to say, and it doesn't mesh up with their worldview that believes we can bring about a utopia if only we pursue the right policies — their policies of course.
Stricter gun control measures would not have stopped the San Bernardino shooting.
The human heart is wicked and has great capacity for evil, (Jeremiah 17:9), but God is the only one who can transform a hardened heart.
In the book of Ezekiel we read, "And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh," (Ezekiel 36:26, ESV).
God has done this in countless lives and He did it through sending His Son which is what Christmas, that is close upon us, is all about.
Because of our sin.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the would might be saved through him," (John 3:16-17, ESV).
Not only did His Son Jesus come to earth in the form of a baby, but He came as a baby fashioned for a Roman cross.
Jesus died on that Roman cross because of God's great love for us, (Romans 5:8). The penalty for sin is death if not physical death then surely spiritual death, (Romans 6:23). Jesus however came to give life, a full life on earth, (John 10:10) and life that is eternal, (Romans 6:23).
Jesus rose from the grave then defeating sin and death. That is His gift for us. That is the only remedy that can change the world as individuals place their faith and trust in Him and are changed.
There isn't a gun control measure in the world that will change the problem of sin.
Also prayer is not meaningless for the families of those victims and for those who were wounded. God is a God who can bring peace and comfort to those who are in mourning. God is also the God who heals, emotionally, and physically.
Prayer is not a meaningless platitude. It can only be deemed meaningless if you don't actually pray or you don't pray to the One who can make a difference. The left instead prayed to their idol — government — who is an impotent and false god.
This article was originally posted here.