Todd Starnes
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Emasculated Republicans Block Effort to Defund Planned Parenthood
Senate Republicans had a chance to stop Planned Parenthood from butchering unborn children and selling their body parts to the highest bidder. Instead, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to put up a vote -- thumbing his nose at Senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, along with every pro-lifer in the nation.
County Clerk Resigns Instead of Issuing Gay Marriage Licenses
Linda Barnette has issued marriage licenses in Grenada County, Mississippi for 24 years. On Tuesday, she resigned.
Memphis Mayor Wants to Dig Up Dead Confederate War General
Memphis Mayor A.C. Wharton wants to dig up the bodies of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife and remove them from a city park in the latest and perhaps most despicable example of the anti-Southern cleansing spreading across the nation.
Huckabee Says Gay Marriage Could Criminalize Christianity
The legalization of same-sex marriage would be a "very dangerous place" for America to go and could lead to civil disobedience, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee warns.
Southern Baptists: Supreme Court Is Not Final Authority on Gay Marriage
The president of the Southern Baptist Convention has a message regarding the looming Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage: We will not obey.
Florida Principal Ousted After Defending Texas Cop: 'He Did Nothing Wrong'
A Florida high school principal, who defended the Texas police officer at the center of that infamous pool melee, has become the latest victim of radical speech police hell-bent on trying to silence public discourse.
Did GoDaddy Reject Applicant Because He's an Overweight Christian?
Did Internet giant GoDaddy reject an Arizona software engineer's job application because he was an overweight Christian?
Marine Court Martialed for Refusing to Remove Bible Verse
A United States Marine was convicted at a court-martial for refusing to remove a Bible verse on her computer – a verse of Scripture the military determined "could easily be seen as contrary to good order and discipline."
Radical Group Wants Christian General Court-Martialed for Speaking About God
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation wants a two-star general court-martialed because he spoke about his relationship with God.
Transgender Policy at Virginia School Opposed by Parents, Pastors
A plan to add "gender identity" to a Virginia school's nondiscrimination policy has enraged parents and preachers, but leaders of the nation's tenth largest school district say unless they make the change, the U.S. Department of Education could withdraw federal funding.