6 Christian Reactions to Kavanaugh Confirmation: From 'Victory' to 'Stain on America'

The sharply divided Christian responses to now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation on Saturday have continued in full force.
Some, such as Tony Perkins of the conservative Family Research Council, praised the U.S. Senate confirming Kavanaugh as justice to the Supreme Court by a vote of 50-48 as a victory against an "unimaginable smear" campaign.
Several pro-life groups said they are looking forward in hope toward what this would mean regarding challenging Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the country.
Some liberal faith-based groups said that they believe California professor Christine Blasey Ford and her testimony that Kavanaugh attempted to rape her in the 1980s, something which the associate justice has strongly denied.
Here are six reactions from Christian organizations commenting on the victory for President Donald Trump in seeing his nominee confirmed to the Supreme Court: