6 Interesting Facts About the Christian Faith of Carly Fiorina

Carly Fiorina has surged in recent polls after what many believed was a strong showing in the first of the night GOP debate in Cleveland. A former chief executive at Hewlett Packard, Fiorina lost a 2010 bid for the U.S. Senate against Democrat incumbent Barbara Boxer.
Before the Cleveland debate, Fiorina noted that only 40 percent of Republicans even knew her name, and suggested that the first step to making her more competitive and viable in the race was to change that. She is a breast cancer survivor and the first woman to head up a top 20 American company.
A former adviser to John McCain's 2008 bid for the presidency, Fiorina officially launched her own campaign for the White House in February. Fiorina was interviewed by The Christian Post in February, 2015. Below are six interesting facts about her Christian faith:
1. Fiorina said she is certain that she would not have been able to endure the death of her step-daughter and breast cancer without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
In her interview with the Brody File she added that, "I am forever grateful that I rediscovered a personal relationship with God before that happened." Fiorina had a double mastectomy and underwent chemotherapy, but is now cancer free. Her step-daughter Lori Ann died in 2009 after battling chemical dependency issues.
2. A 2010 Los Angeles Times article says Fiorina was raised Episcopalian "but is not a regular churchgoer."
In her Brody File interview she noted, "I grew up knowing I had a personal relationship with Jesus. I prayed everyday all my life. But somehow in the course of my life, it got a little more abstract for me."
When CP asked about her religious beliefs, Fiorina answered, "I am a Christian. I believe that everyone of us is equal in the eyes of God, and therefore, I know that everyone is capable of living a life of dignity, purpose, and meaning."
3. Fiorina quoted Matthew 12:34 at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Summit in Iowa
She quoted the second half of the verse which reads, "For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart."
After quoting the passage, she praised her mother for giving her these words to her in a Sunday school class: "What you are is God's gift to you, what you make of yourself is your gift to God."
4. Whoopi Goldberg seemed to suggest on the View that Fiorina's Christian faith might impede or conflict with her run for the White House.
"I assume you're a person who is very, sort of, pro-life and believes in that," asserted Goldberg. "Are you going to run as a person who is going to govern for everyone or are you running on your Christian beliefs?"
Fiorina used the question to note that science backs the pro-life position. "I happen to believe that science is proving us right," she declared. "I mean, the zygote — the DNA in a zygote is the same the day you die."
5. Fiorina has said that "people of sincere faith make better leaders."
Fiorina made the remarks at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority Conference in June. She added people of faith are better leaders because "faith gives us humility," and "faith gives us "empathy," and "optimism."
6. At the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference Fiorina stated that progressives do not share "our belief in the gifts and the dignity of each and every human life."
On several occasions, Fiorina has highlighted the different worldviews of secularism verse a faith informed conservatism. "This is the battle that we must have — to restore people's understanding of what conservatism truly means and how important faith really is in this nation," she added.