7 important women of the Protestant Reformation
Argula von Grumbach

Born to a Bavarian noble family named von Stauff the same year that Christopher Columbus first sailed to the Western hemisphere, Argula von Grumbach was known for her defense of the Reformation.
When the University of Ingolstadt arrested a Protestant teacher, von Grumbach wrote a letter of protest that promoted Reformation ideas and was widely distributed to the public.
Martin Luther, who corresponded with von Grumbach extensively and met her in person in 1530 near Augsburg, spoke highly of the Bavarian noblewoman and her work.
“That most noble woman, Argula von Stauffer, is there making a valiant fight with great spirit boldness of speech and knowledge of Christ. She deserves that all pray for Christ’s victory in her,” wrote Luther to a friend.
“She alone, among these monsters, carries on with firm faith, though, she admits, not without inner trembling. She is a singular instrument of Christ.”