
7 inspirational hymns for Veterans Day

'Eternal Father, Strong to Save'

A popular hymn in the naval traditions of both the United States and the United Kingdom, “Eternal Father, Strong to Save” was written by the Rev. William Whiting and was composed by the Rev. John B. Dykes in the 1860s.

Whiting was inspired by the biblical verses Matthew 8:26 and Psalm 65:7, and reportedly, his experiences surviving a fierce storm while traveling on the Mediterranean Sea.

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“'Eternal Father' was a favorite hymn of both President Theodore Roosevelt, a former Secretary of the Navy (1897-98), and President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a former assistant secretary of the Navy,” noted the Library of Congress.

“It was performed as the body of President John F. Kennedy, a PT boat commander in World War II, was brought to lie in state at the U.S. Capitol.”

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