'America Has the Power' to Stop ISIS' Reign of Terror, Prominent Nun Says While Working With Victims

A well-known nun and activist who has witnessed the atrocities committed by ISIS believes the United States has the power to stop the mass slaughter and kidnappings that are being carried out daily by the terrorist group.
Sister Hatune Dogan has worked with victims of oppression and violence her whole life, traveling to areas affected by ISIS and other terrorist organizations. She recently spoke about the horror and persecution Christians and Yazidi people face in Syria and Iraq, addressing their needs and condemning ISIS' treatment of girls and women, as well as calling out the U.S. for its apparent lack of action to ease and end the suffering of ISIS' victims.
"There have been 12,000 kidnapped at the hands of ISIS —Yazidi alone. What is going on there, what I was hearing, is the highest barbarism on Earth in the history until today. The mission of (Abu Bakr) Baghadadi, of ISIS, is to convert the world completely to the Islamic religion and bring them to Dar Al Salaam, as they call it. And Islam is not peace, please. Whoever says ISIS has no connection to Islam or something like this is … he's a liar. ISIS is Islam; Islam is ISIS," Dogan told CBN News.
"America today has the power that they can stop this disaster on the Earth, with other Western countries," she added. "We know that in Islam, there is no democracy. Islam and democracy are opposite, like black and white."
The Syrian Orthodox Christian nun was born in Turkey but she and her family had to flee to safety in Germany in order to escape persecution. Ever since, she has been a voice for the oppressed and those facing extreme persecution.
"I realized that other Christians were being exposed to ethnic cleansing. I just could not stay in Germany, sit on the couch and wait for more information. I thought I had to go there because I personally knew what it was like to be persecuted. We went. I felt it was my duty," Dogan told Voices of Faith.
"My mission is to help the suffering people where they are. They cannot come to me, so I go to them. One hundred percent of donations go to the suffering people," she told World Net Daily last year. "We are all volunteers. We are totally independent. We have no big donor now. I wish. We have two fish and five loaves, and God is multiplying."
The Hatune Foundation created by Dogan is dedicated to bringing awareness and relief to persecuted persons who follow Jesus Christ. The foundation helps those in in 35 countries, providing shelter, medicine, clothing, and food.
"They need your support," Dogan said in a video posted last year, showing her with Yazidi refugees. "They live like animals. Starving. No food. Unsanitary. No one should have to live like this."