Anne Graham Lotz issues urgent call to repentance, warns US is 'being attacked invisibly'

Evangelist Anne Graham Lotz is issuing an urgent call to repentance, warning that America has a “small window of opportunity” to return to God, that, if not taken, will incite severe judgment.
In an interview with The Christian Post, Lotz, founder and president of Angel Ministries, said the United States has repeatedly “shaken its fist” in God’s face, removing His name everywhere from schools to the government.
“When you do that, God just backs away,” she said, citing Romans 1, which speaks of the retributive judgment of God.
“God gives us over to ourselves, and I believe that is where we are right now; it really is the judgment of God,” Lotz said. “America has a window of opportunity to return to the Lord, but it’s just a window, and it’s going to close. We’re going to find our nation without God, and without Him, we don’t have His protection, we don’t have His wisdom.”
“If we're not careful, we're going to totally lose our way,” she stressed. “America will become unrecognizable. The world is a very dangerous place right now. We desperately need God.”
On Saturday, the 72-year-old daughter of famed evangelist Billy Graham is set to participate in The Return: National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance in Washington, D.C., to pray for the U.S. and its citizens.
Led by bestselling author Jonathan Cahn, the event will also feature Dr. James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Mike Lindell, Alveda King, Kevin Jessip, Michele Bachmann, Kevin Sorbo, Gordon Robertson, Marcus Lamb, Bishop Harry Jackson, and many more.
As part of the revival, leaders from over 150 nations will be participating in a day of prayer. The broadcast will be hosted in over 90 languages in real-time translation.
Lotz admitted that Cahn, an old friend, has asked her to participate in events for years — “but I always declined,” she said. “I just didn’t feel like revival would come until we were desperate for it.”
As a child, Lotz recalls asking her mother, Ruth Graham: "With all of father's meetings and events that have taken place, why haven't we had a revival?"
"And my mother said, ‘It's because we're not desperate enough.’ So I always felt like something needed to trigger it," the evangelist shared. "But Jonathan kept telling me he felt strongly impressed by the Lord that a call to revival needed to be held in September of 2020. So based on his strong conviction and my belief that we need to return to the Lord, I agreed to participate in The Return back in January."
And then, "COVID-19 broke out, the economy experienced a recession, and anarchy swept the streets," she said.
Additionally, America is being attacked “socially and racially,” Lotz said, contending that “evil people” “jumped on” “unthinkable tragedies” like the death of George Floyd to “further their wicked agendas.”
"It’s more than unrest. It feels like we’re being attacked invisibly," the evangelist emphasized. “My prayer is that this is the trigger. If this doesn't make us desperate for revival, if this doesn't make us return to the Lord and beg for His mercy, then I'm not sure anything will. We're in a freefall.”
She pointed out that in Matthew 24, Jesus described the signs that would indicate His return was near.
“He said they are like birth pains which means I think they increase in intensity and frequency," she explained. “So instead of seeing the signs once every hundred years, it's once every 10 years, then every year, and then every month.”
The Jesus in Me author said she believes recent events such as Hurricane Sally, record-breaking flooding, and the fires in the West are some of the “birth pains” the Bible mentions.
“We've left our foundation of faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,” she said. “Until we come back to the Lord through repentance and prayer, then I don't think there's any hope for America actually.”
Just under one year ago, Lotz completed treatment for breast cancer. Today, she is “doing well” and continues to receive “good reports” at her checkups.
“I don’t take my health for granted,” she said. “I thank the Lord that I’ve come this far. I just walked 2 miles, my hair is growing back, and I’m maintaining strength.”
Thankful for every day God gives her, Lotz told CP she lives her life “with the idea that I don’t want any regret five minutes before seeing Jesus face to face.”
“I want to live in such a way that, if Jesus was coming back tomorrow, I wouldn’t have done anything differently. And that requires reading my Bible,” she said.
“If you're 28, 72, or your 80s, or 90s, there's nothing we can do more important than read our Bible,” Lotz added. “The Bible is the truth. The Bible is the way God communicates to us. Feelings come and go, and they can be very misleading. But God's word doesn't change. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. This is a wake-up call to return to the Lord.”