Ben Carson Campaign Chairman Compares Trump Endorsement Criticism to Cries to Crucify Jesus

The chairman for Dr. Ben Carson's presidential campaign recently compared criticism of the former candidate's endorsement of Donald Trump to the cries to crucify Jesus.
General Bob Dees, former Carson campaign chairman and a retired major general, posted a statement on Facebook regarding Carson's controversial endorsement of Trump.
"In all candor, some of this critical dynamic reminds me of Passion Week which began with Hosannas from the people, and ended with 'Crucify Him'," stated General Dees.
"Yet Christ had not changed, just as Dr. Ben Carson has not changed his devotion to God, his fundamental policy convictions regarding the right path for our nation, or his undying commitment to Save America for Future Generations."

Dees went on to make another biblical allusion in his reasoning in arguing on behalf of Carson supporting the divisive Republican front-runner.
"For those of you who seek to analyze this decision through a spiritual lens, we must ask how God's purposes might have been thwarted if Daniel had not served in Babylon, or if Joseph had not served Pharaoh?" continued Dees.
"In a similar vein, Dr. Carson's endorsement is not driven by political ambition or any 'sell out' on Dr. Carson's part – rather Dr. Carson remains the same wise, practical, empirically-driven, and God-honoring leader and selfless servant he has always been."
Earlier this month at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, Carson stated that he was dropping out of the race for president.
"Now that I am leaving the campaign trail," said Carson, before his sentence was interrupted by a long audience reaction that included expressions of sorrow and an applause with shouts of respect.
Carson noted that he was going to be heading a group called My Faith Votes, whose mission is to get the faith communities of America more involved in the presidential election.
"In 2012, 25 million evangelicals did not vote. The margin of difference [between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney] was only five million," continued Carson.
"We have to get these people registered and we have to get them to understand that they have to play a role because a lot of people in the faith community they say 'God's got it under control so I just don't really need to do anything.' Well one of the ways that God controls it is through us."
Soon after suspending his campaign, Carson announced that he was endorsing his former opponent Trump, who during the primary season had questioned aloud whether or not the famed neurosurgeon was a Christian.
At a news conference held in Palm Beach, Florida, Carson stated that the two men "buried the hatchet" and that Trump was "the voice of the people to be heard."
Posted to Facebook on March 11, Dees' comment in defense of Carson's endorsement of Trump has garnered over 10,000 likes and more than 16,000 shares.
It also has gotten a good deal of negative feedback from commenters still opposed to Carson endorsing Trump.
"Donald Trump may be a rich businessman, but he is full of hatred, greed, and contempt. You have made a terrible mistake in endorsing him and I will not continue to support you. I remain shocked and disappointed," commented one person, whose statement got nearly 400 likes.