Ben Carson: Christians Facing 'All-Out Attack' on Religious Freedom, Presidential Election 'Most Important of Our Lifetime'

Former Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson has warned Christians that they have a responsibility to vote based on biblical values come Election Day on November 8, arguing that religious freedom and traditional America are on the line.
"We are facing what may be the most important election of our lifetime, if not ever," Carson said in a Facebook video of the upcoming presidential elections, in which he has backed the Republican nominee Donald Trump.
"As Christians, the Bible calls us to be salt and light to influence our culture. That starts with the choices we make in the voting booth," he added.
Carson argued that Christians are facing an "all-out attack" on religious freedom.
"Laws are being passed both here and around the globe that continue to erode our rights to share the Gospel, and to live our lives according to the Bible. Courts are now ruling that laws that have protected our churches and businesses for decades are unconstitutional," he continued.
"If we don't turn things around soon, the America we have grown up with will be gone, right along with our freedoms."
The retired neurosurgeon directed viewers and readers to the My Faith Votes website, where people can pledge to get informed about their choices in the elections; to pray faithfully for America; and to vote from a 'biblical worldview.' Carson became the national chairman of My Faith Votes in March.
Carson has urged Christians to make their voices heard in the election cycle on a number of occasions, and back in August teamed up with actor and producer Kirk Cameron to warn Christians that "when you don't vote, you're voting."
"If God didn't want us to get involved in politics, then He wouldn't have given us the brain or the reasoning ability," he said, noting that around 25 million people of faith failed to vote in the last presidential elections in 2012.
Speaking about how Christians should pray during the elections, Carson advised that they pray that "the eyes of the people will open and they'll recognize that there was a reason God gave them a tremendous reasoning ability, so that we can analyze things for ourselves."
Carson claimed earlier in October that Trump sought forgiveness for a 2005 video that showed him making lascivious comments about women, and said that no matter what people think of the Republican candidate, he is preferable to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
"I can't defend the video, but I can certainly continue to support him because I think what he represents is far superior to what Hillary represents," he said.
In a March 14 appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Carson was asked if people of faith should be support Donald Trump given the allegations that he has groped women.
"Sometimes you put your Christian values on pause to get the work done," Carson answered, in part.