
Black Christians: Voting for Hillary Clinton Is a Grave Sin

E.W. Jackson is the National President of MINISTERS TAKING A STAND, a national organization of Pastors and Christian leaders addressing the moral and spiritual issues of our time.
E.W. Jackson is the National President of MINISTERS TAKING A STAND, a national organization of Pastors and Christian leaders addressing the moral and spiritual issues of our time.

Every pundit in the mainstream media has opined about Hillary's "firewall" in the south. These comments intensified after the shellacking she received in the New Hampshire primaries at the hands of a confessed socialist.

The firewall to which they refer to is the black vote. As usual, white liberals assume that when they say jump, black voters will submissively ask, "How high?"

However, the proverbial firewall for Hillary Clinton may be about to get some very cold water thrown on it. Black voters might not be in a mood to jump, sing or dance to Hillary's tune. They may not be asking, "How high?" Rather, they may be interrogating Hillary in the same fashion that the FBI agents are asking about her emails.

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Black Christians in particular will want to know, "what have you done for us? Why have you embraced gay marriage when you know we believe in the biblical definition of marriage? Why are you such an avid supporter of Planned Parenthood and admirer of Margaret Sanger when you know that she was a racist eugenicist who wanted to stop the growth of the black population?"

They might also ask, "If you and your party have done so much for us, why is poverty increasing in the black community. Why is there no economic development? Why are there no jobs? Why is the unemployment rate among black citizens twice that of the national average? Why is there a 50% unemployment rate among black youth?"

If these questions get asked, it will be another disappointing election day for Hillary in the southern primaries because there are no valid answers. Of course she will demagogue the issue of race, believing that she can manipulate black voters. That may not be enough this time.

The election of the first black President has taught a lesson to black voters which more and more are taking to heart: Democrat policies do not work. They are based on the false premise that every bad thing that happens to any black person in America is the result of racism, and government must step in with more funding and more control. That approach is a gargantuan failure. It has not solved the economic and educational disparity. It has not kept increasing numbers of young people off drugs, out of gangs, out of prison or out of the morgue. It has not reduced the scourge of out of wedlock pregnancy, or the disproportionate number of abortions in the black community.

In fact, government programs have left people more entrenched in poverty and despair. For example, the welfare policy which rewards women for the absence of a man in the home is still operating and has all but destroyed the black two parent family.

Black Christians, the largest voting bloc in the black community, should be particularly incensed. Democrats voted God off their platform. Their minions sue every time they see a Christian praying in any public setting. When they are in control, they sanitize their proceedings from all mention of the name of Jesus because they find it "offensive". They persecute Christians who dare hold to the biblical definition of marriage, and marginalize them as bigots and haters.

As Kelvin Cochran, a black man and former Atlanta Fire Chief learned, they will even take away your job for what you preach in church if it does not comport with their amoral worldview. The Democrat Party is not looking for black men and women, but for good boys and girls who never contradict their liberal masters, not even in church. Just ask the preachers who do their bidding.

The ugly fact is that a Christian who votes for Hillary Clinton is committing a grave sin. If you are contemplating doing that, you should pray long and hard about the state of your own heart and the spiritual blindness which holds you captive.

I am black, but I am a Christian first. Over thirty years ago God loosed me from bondage to a party that defends the killing of unborn children and opposes Biblical principle at every turn.

I've already made the case that Democrats do nothing for the black community. However, even if they were providing significant benefits, is it worth losing one's soul? To paraphrase Jesus, do not worry about who is going to feed you or who is going to clothe you, for the Godless worry about all these things. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.

The black Christians of South Carolina and the other southern states must not vote for a candidate or party which opposes everything the Bible teaches. They must no longer jump at the command of Democrat politicians. It is time to stand together with Jesus Christ.

E.W. Jackson was born in Chester, PA, near Philadelphia. After graduating from high school, he joined the Maine Corps, and was honorably discharged after three years of service. He went on to graduate Summa Cum Laude with a B.A. from the University of Massachusetts and from Harvard Law School. While in law school, he studied at Harvard Divinity School, was ordained in 1979 and consecrated a Bishop in 1998. He practiced small business, criminal and civil law for fifteen years in Boston. In 1997 Bishop Jackson retired from the practice of law to devote full time to ministry. He is the founder and Senior Pastor of THE CALLED Church, founder of the Chesapeake Martin Luther King Leadership Breakfast and Founder and President of Stand Foundation - Staying True to America's National Destiny - a nonprofit organization committed to bringing citizens together across racial and cultural lines to restore America's Judeo-Christian heritage and values. He is the National President of MINISTERS TAKING A STAND, a national organization of Pastors and Christian leaders addressing the moral and spiritual issues of our time. He also founded YOUTH WITH A DESTINY, helping give youth a sense of vision and purpose for their lives. He is the author of the book, Ten Commandments to an Extraordinary Life. His articles have been published in the Washington Times, American Thinker and many other publications. He has appeared on FOX, ABC, PBS, CNN and MSNBC.

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