Britney Spears Shares Bible Verses With Fans

Even though she was raised in a Baptist church, Britney Spears has dabbled in Kabbalah and Hindu beliefs throughout the years. These days she has decided to focus on Scripture by sharing Bible verses with fans.
On Thursday, Spears took to Twitter to share Psalm 126:5 with over 50 million fans. The verse states, "Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy." (NLT) The pop star said she believed the verse was one people should base their lives on.
"Love this verse," she tweeted. "Something everyone should live by."
Earlier this week, Spears also shared another Bible verse on the social media platform.
On Monday, the pop star tweeted, "Her mouth speaks from that which fills her heart, Luke 6:45."
While she has not spoken about her religious beliefs for some time, Spears did allude to having a relationship with God in a V Magazine interview earlier this year.
"I've been doing this for 20 years. I kind of don't pay attention to it," Spears said. "I have my relationship with God and myself and that's what matters to me. I really don't care what most people think."
In a previous Twitter Q&A, Spears spoke about her reading material including "anything by Max Lucado."
Ten years ago, Spears may have turned to God after suffering an emotional breakdown that resulted in the very public act of her shaving her head. According to Metro UK reports, Spears went to more than just a rehabilitation center but a Catholic church to overcome the tough times in her life.
"She left the Promises Residential Treatment Center in Malibu to go for a one-hour meeting at a Catholic Church in Pacific Palisades," the Metro reported.